Eric.ed.gov – Math Avoidance: A Barrier to American Indian Science Education and Science Careers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For American Indian students, math anxiety and math avoidance are the most serious obstacles to general education and to the choice of scientific careers. Indian students interviewed generally exhibited fear and loathing of mathematics and a major lack of basic skills which were caused by a missing or negative impression of the mathematics capabilities of Native Americans, a generally negative image of mathematicians and scientists, dislike and fear of math forms without visible application to daily life and which require abstraction as a major tool, a perception of math courses and requirements as rigid, and a self-perception, often fostered by school couselors, of hopeless inadequacy in math skills. Because most of the students interviewed had attended public schools the implication is that public school math and science… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Education as a Science and a Profession

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The papers in the monograph address different topics related to mathematics teaching and learning processes which are of great interest to both students and prospective teachers. Some papers open new research questions, some show examples of good practice and others provide more information about earlier findings. The monograph consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, the author studies the relation between the surface approach and the strategic approach to learning outcomes according to the results of research conducted with a group of university students in Denmark. This chapter presents the results of research carried out with the students who were required to recognise and interpret mathematical concepts that could be interpreted from the graphs in different contexts. It also provides an insight into a detailed analysis… Continue Reading