Eric.ed.gov – A Teacher’s Guide to Career Education, 9-12.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Designed to assist the classroom teacher interested in implementing career education, this guide presents lesson plans, prepared by public school teachers, which integrate career education activities. Learner objectives, which provide a base for implementation plans, are listed in the introductory section and relate to self-knowledge, decisionmaking skills, career awareness, economic awareness, educational awareness, attitudes and appreciation, and social awareness. Each lesson plan is presented in the following format: Grade or IGE unit, subject, educational concept, elements and element objectives, activities, resources, and followup activities. The lesson plans cover the units of math (grades 9-10); Spanish (grades 9-12); home economics (grades 9-12); agriculture (grades 9-12); physical education (grades 9-12); biology (grade 10); social studies (grades 9-12); math, geometry, algebra (grades 9-12); distributive education (grade 11); French I and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision: The Case for Confluent Education in Math Procedures.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many preservice teachers confront their own lack of confidence and actual mathematics phobia for the first time in their math procedures classes. This study was designed to explore the application of a confluent education intervention, a model based on the premise that all learning is accompanied by an affective as well as a cognitive component, to the problem of improving the disposition towards mathematics of 70 student teachers enrolled in a fifth-year multiple subject teaching credential program at the University of California. Using the framework of constructivist theory as a foundation, the paper discusses the effects of prior experience on affective disposition towards mathematics and teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Data were collected in three stages following “The Mathe Teakst Buk,” an intervention that involves students in a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Quantitizing Affective Data as Project Evaluation on the Use of a Mathematics Mobile Game and Intelligent Tutoring System

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Technology-enhanced learning generally focuses on the cognitive rather than the affective domain of learning. This multi-method evaluation of the INBECOM project (Integrating Behaviourism and Constructivism in Mathematics) was conducted from the point of view of affective learning levels of Krathwohl “et al.” (1964). The research questions of the study were: (i) to explore the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) during the use of a mobile game “UFractions” and an intelligent tutoring system “ActiveMath” to enhance the learning of fractions in mathematics; and (ii) to determine the significance of the relationships among the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) in the INBECOM project. This research followed a sequential, equal status, multi-mode research design… Continue Reading