Eric.ed.gov – Title I Elementary Math Program of Minneapolis: 1972-74. No. C-74-34.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of the Title I math program was to improve the teaching of mathematics at the primary level in Title I schools. School staff and Parent Advisory Committee members had suggested and helped plan the focus of the project. It was expected that improved teaching would raise the level of understanding of basic mathematics skills and concepts of primary pupils. Testing of the children, however, was incomplete and inconclusive. All Title I primary teachers were eligible for the project. Most of the teachers from 25 public and 9 nonpublic schools availed themselves of the services offered by the project during the two years, 1972-74, covered by this report. This evaluation concentrated on the activities of the project and teachers’ responses to those activities. Teachers received over… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Assist Students in Improving Their Math Skills. Module M-5 of Category M–Assisting Students in Improving Their Basic Skills. Professional Teacher Education Module Series.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This module, one in a series of performance-based teacher education learning packages, focuses on a specific skill that vocational educators need in order to integrate the teaching and reinforcement of basic skills into their regular vocational instruction. The purpose of the module is to give educators competency in assisting students in improving their math skills. It provides techniques for (1) assessing students’ math skills in relation to the math requirements for the occupational area, (2) assessing one’s own readiness to assist students with these skills, and (3) working with students to improve math skills. The teacher also gains skill in identifying specific kinds of errors students commonly make and in helping students to improve skills in these specific areas. Introductory material provides terminal and enabling objectives, a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Causal Factors Attributed to Student Success on the California High School Exit Examination

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: American students are failing to demonstrate expected competency on basic skills taught in schools. The educational system needs a major overhaul to address declines in scholarly engagement. The State Board of Education (SBE) designed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) to give some merit to the high school diploma. Minorities and economically disadvantaged students fail to attain minimal proficiency levels on standardized tests and to achieve gains comparable to those attained by students from affluent school districts, even when the most rudimentary skills are being tested. The purpose of this study is to compare existing differences in student achievement by viewing existing data and to gauge faculty perspectives on why some students fare better than others on the CAHSEE. Appended are: (1) Letter of Informed Consent;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Helping Book: Third Grade Math. Bulletin 1720.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This book was developed by teachers for parents to work through with their children. Learning activities are provided for each of the mathematics skills on the third-grade Basic Skills Test in Louisiana. Two pages of practice activities and games are provided for each skill, plus a test question similar to that on the Basic Skills Test. The topics covered include: numeration (number words, place value, ordinal numbers); whole-number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication); fractions; relations and functions (greater than, odd and even numbers); measurement and estimation (calendar, money, time, inches and centimeters); geometry (shapes); and word problems (addition, subtraction, multiplication). Answer keys are provided. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Project TOPS. Final Evaluation Report. Math Research and Evaluation Studies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: TOPS, a set of materials designed to improve problem solving instruction, was evaluated in two large urban school districts from Fall 1980 to Spring 1982. At Site A, the program was implemented at the middle school level (grades 5-8), where most mathematics teachers were specialists; they accepted the problem-solving activities after some initial hesitation. At Site B, the program was implemented in grades 3-8, though most often in grades 4 and 5, usually by teachers who were not mathematics specialists. They varied in their belief that the activities would improve problem-solving ability, and, even though in year 2 they were allowed to develop lessons involving problem-solving strategies tied more closely to textbooks and tests, problem solving was never completely accepted by all teachers. At Site A, 80… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Learning To Do Math the Drafting Way.” Field Test Copy.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This booklet was developed for industrial arts students who demonstrate a need for additional instruction in mathematics, with the focus on the content needed for drafting. The eight topics included are: how to read a ruler, reading a one-fourth inch scale, multiplication of whole numbers, how to find square footage from an architectural floor plan, two plastic triangles used as drafting tools, centering a drafting isometric problem, a quick way to figure radius settings when using the drafting compass, and using fractions and decimals in the drafting class. Each topic lists teacher materials (concepts, instructions, and related activities) and provides several worksheets for students. To identify students who need additional help, a Basic Skills Checklist is provided for the teacher, and a Basic Skills Verification Form is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Increasing Fourth Grade Math Achievement with Improved Instructional Strategies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this practicum was to increase motivation and self-confidence of grade four students in mathematics achievement. Measured were the increase in the number of students displaying mastery of the times-tables, increase in the number of students making a gain on a math post-test, and increase in the number of students liking mathematics. Administered to the students were a math attitude questionnaire and a math pretest on basic math skills to determine the students’ attitude toward math and to determine the students’ performance level. Mental Math activities, math games design contests, in-class competitions, grade level competition, computer, calculators, systematic reviews, student-teacher interaction, and projects were used to help increase students’ interest and to increase math achievement. This study includes the following chapters: (1) “Introduction”; (2) “Study… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Recapturing the Lead in Math and Science. Focus 14.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document examines various topics and issues related to the quality of science and mathematics education in the United States. They include: (1) competition from Japan and the Soviet Union; (2) federal programs and legislation designed to improve the quality of science and mathematics education; (3) scientific literacy; (4) the basics in mathematics education, outlining those recommended in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics report, “An Agenda for Action” and discussing the importance of problem-solving skills and real-world mathematical applications; (5) science and pseudoscience, examining the scientific method and the Creationist threat; (6) National Assessment of Educational Progress science and mathematics achievement data; (7) exemplary mathematics programs and the criteria for excellence in these programs (including the development of thinking skills); (8) exemplary science programs; (9)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Intensive Intervention Practice Guide: System of Least Prompts

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The National Center for Leadership in Intensive Intervention (NCLII), a consortium funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), prepares special education leaders to become experts in research on intensive intervention for students with disabilities who have persistent and severe academic (e.g., reading and math) and behavioral difficulties. By the end of the first year of their program, scholars in each cohort work in cross-institutional collaborative groups to create an Intensive Intervention Practice Guide. In each guide, scholars identify an approach to intensive intervention for a select population of students with disabilities, describe the existing evidence base behind it, and discuss the next steps in research needed to improve the understanding of designing and delivering the intervention. The “Intensive Intervention Practice Guides” are created for practitioners… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing Basic Academic Skills with Audio-Recordings: A Review of the Literature

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Because teacher-to-student ratios often make it difficult for teachers to work individually with students on skill-building activities, educators and researchers have developed and evaluated procedures in which audio-recordings are used to improve basic academic skills. In the current paper, we describe and analyze reading, math, and spelling interventions that use audio-recordings to prompt and pace rapid rates of accurate responding. In this review, we provide evidence of internal and external validity of easy-to-use, low-tech, recorded interventions across students (general education students and students with disabilities) and contexts (e.g., individually administered and class-wide). Discussion focuses on future theoretical research related to causal mechanisms and applied research on modifying recorded interventions to enhance learning rates. Link til kilde