Eric.ed.gov – National CrossTalk. Volume 18, Number 1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “National CrossTalk” is a publication of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. The National Center promotes public policies that enhance opportunities for quality education and training beyond high school. The primary purpose of “National CrossTalk” is to stimulate informed discussion and debate of higher education issues. This issue of “National CrossTalk” includes the following articles: (1) Ohio’s Brain Drain: Reform of Public Higher Education Is Intended to Change Perceptions and Retain Graduates (Jon Marcus); (2) Redesigning the Basics: Tennessee’s Community Colleges Use Technology to Change Their Approach to Developmental Reading and Math (Kay Mills); (3) Investing the Stimulus: Metropolitan State College of Denver Uses Federal Funding to Reposition Itself for the Future (Kathy Witkowsky); and (4) New Teacher Education: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation… Continue Reading