Eric.ed.gov – Road…Maps. Curriculum Activities Guide. Migrant Students Grades 7-12 Infused Career Education Plans in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum activities guide presents a series of instructional plans for practicing teachers who desire to infuse career education into curricular areas, grades 7 through 12. Introductory materials discuss the guide’s purpose and instructional thrust of Project MECCA (Migrant Education Counseling and Career Awareness). They also provide teacher’s materials such as hints for use of activities, suggestions for field trips, information on and forms for shadowing, and information on group processing tools, such as brainstorming, fishbowl technique, stop action, and role playing. The activity plans are organized by grade levels into language arts, social studies, and mathematics or science. Within these sections are placed activities at differing career or occupational knowledge levels. These activities are to be considered as examples, and teachers are encouraged to use them… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Road…Maps. Curriculum Activities Guide. Migrant Students Grades K-6. Infused Career Education Plans in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This curriculum activities guide presents a series of instructional plans for practicing teachers who desire to infuse career education into curricular areas, grades K through 6. Introductory materials discuss the guide’s purpose and the instructional thrust of Project MECCA (Migrant Education Counseling and Career Awareness). They also provide teacher’s materials such as hints for use of activities, suggestions for field trips, information on and forms for shadowing, and information on group processing tools, such as brainstorming, fishbowl technique, stop action, and role playing. The activity plans are organized by grade levels into language arts, social studies, and mathematics or science. Within these sections are placed activities at differing career or occupational knowledge levels. These activities are to be considered as examples, and teachers are encouraged to use… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Connections across Cultures: Inviting Multiple Perspectives into Classrooms of Science, Technology, Math, and Engineering.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This book comprehensively describes the Pac-TEC project which organizes educational reform around the problem statement that mathematics, science, technology, and engineering education is not inclusive of all thinking and learning styles, and therefore is not addressing the present and future needs of the expanding, evolving culture base of the United States. The Pac-TEC project has a research component consisting of interviews, classroom trials, literature, research, discussions, textbook analysis, and visits to the learning environments of classroom teachers (N=26). The teachers were chosen from elementary to university level with 15 of those teachers being members of groups that are underrepresented in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The questions that guided the research phase pertained to the reasons why some students are uncomfortable with science, mathematics, engineering, and technology;… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Connections across Cultures: Inviting Multiple Perspectives into Classrooms of Science, Technology, Math, & Engineering.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is an introduction to a larger manual on the Pac-TEC project. The Pac-TEC project organizes educational reform around the problem statement that mathematics, science, technology, and engineering education is not inclusive of all thinking and learning styles, and therefore is not addressing the present and future needs of the expanding, evolving culture base of the United States. The Pac-TEC project has a research component consisting of interviews, classroom trials, literature, research, discussions, textbook analysis, and visits to the learning environments of classroom teachers (N=26). The teachers were chosen from elementary to university level and 15 of those teachers are members of groups that are underrepresented in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The questions that guided the research phase pertained to the reasons why some students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – [Arizona] Field Test Report. Vol. 12. Construction Industry Related Math. 1974-75.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The field test report on the “Construction Industry Related Math” instructional unit for grade 7 is one of a series of reports on the Arizona developed Career Education Curriculum Units. Presented is specific information as to the success of the units in terms of the learner’s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor behavior according to expressed performance and behavioral objectives. Cognitive and student and teacher attitudinal data were collected from six sites and projects in Arizona. Following the introduction, a brief description of the unit is given. The body of the document presents and discusses various tables showing field test results in the following areas: (1) information describing the field test, including demographic characteristics of both participating teachers and learners, (2) attitudinal data from both teachers and learners concerning… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – English, Math, Science, Social Studies. Curriculum Guides for the First Grade.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this curriculum guide is to help the first grade teacher in his endeavor to fulfill his teaching responsibilities. Space is provided for teacher’s additions, deletions, notes and criticisms which will be useful when the guide is revised. The guide is sectioned according to subject matter (English, math, science, and social studies). Vertical columns are arranged for each subject area relating the curriculum concepts to: curriculum performance objective, bilingual, suggested curriculum teaching methods, career awareness, character education, and audio-visual and resource materials. The guide closes with a ten page section of audio-visual source information. (DS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Add-Ventures for Girls: Building Math Confidence, Junior High Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide is designed to provide teachers with materials they can use with young women to help them to achieve in mathematics and to encourage them to take as many math courses as possible in high school. During their early school years, students develop skills and attitudes toward learning that form the basis of future academic growth. This guide for elementary school teachers includes strategies, activities and resources that deal with five major topics. Part 1, “Attitudes and Math,” includes materials on mathematics confidence, math aspirations and expectations, and attribution patterns. Part 2, “Math Relevance,” contains materials related to interest in mathematics, making mathematics more relevant and useful, and positive role models for girls. Part 3, “The Learning Environment,” contains materials on teacher-student interaction patterns, cooperative learning,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Add-Ventures for Girls: Building Math Confidence, Elementary Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide is designed to provide teachers with materials they can use with young women to help them to attain higher levels of mathematics achievement and to encourage them to take as many math courses as possible in high school. During their early school years, students develop skills and attitudes toward learning that form the basis of future academic growth. This guide for elementary school teachers includes strategies, activities and resources that deal with five major topics. Part 1, “Attitudes and Math,” includes materials on mathematics confidence, math aspirations and expectations, and attribution patterns. Part 2, “Math Relevance,” contains materials related to interest in mathematics, making mathematics more relevant and useful, and positive role models for girls. Part 3, “The Learning Environment,” contains materials on teacher-student interaction… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Role of Advanced High School Coursework in Increasing STEM Career Interest

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Several avenues are open to students who wish to study advanced science or mathematics in high school, which include Advanced Placement courses and teacher-designed courses unaffiliated with organized programs. We employ a retrospective cohort study of 4,691 nationally representative college students at 34 randomly selected, colleges and universities to examine the relationship between taking advanced high school courses and students’ interest in pursuing a STEM career, while controlling for prior interests and experiences. We are able to distinguish between those students choosing to take an additional year in a science or math subject from those taking Advanced Placement (AP), which is most commonly taken as a second year course, but is increasingly taken as a first year course. We find that the number of years of a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events in High School Libraries

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes a school librarian’s experience with initiating an Hour of Code event for her school’s student body. Hadi Partovi of Code.org conceived the Hour of Code “to get ten million students to try one hour of computer science” (Partovi, 2013a), which is implemented during Computer Science Education Week with a goal of bringing awareness of the value of including computer science in school curricula, and increasing future job opportunities for students worldwide. The author organized the Hour of Code event for her school with the expectation that the event would increase awareness among administrators, teachers, students, and parents of the value of a computer science education and create a demand for more computer science education in her school district. Students should be exposed to computer… Continue Reading