Eric.ed.gov – Code-Switching Explorations in Teaching Early Number Sense

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: New semiotic perspectives about the role of language in mathematics education indicate that teachers have a fundamental role in communicating and teaching the language that carries mathematical meaning. However, little is known about how educators of young children understand and use the language of mathematics. This study addresses this void. Supported by the understanding that mathematics has its own language (Pimm, 1987), the study focuses on code switching–the mixing of words from two languages–by educators as they shift between the language of instruction and the language of mathematics. A qualitative multiple case study approach utilizing discourse analysis was used to explore three early years teachers’ math talk. Findings indicate that these educators code-switched to the mathematics register when they talked about numbers, number words and counting, to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring the Tagalog-English Code-Switching Types Used for Mathematics Classroom Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aimed to examine the types of Tagalog-English code-switching used in mathematics classroom discourse. Four purposively selected tertiary level math teachers in a college situated in a rural area in the Philippines were part of the study. Using a qualitative approach, data were gathered through non-participant class observations and interviews with selected math teachers and students. Syntactic analysis of code-switching types was done to categorize the Tagalog-English utterances. The findings showed that Tagalog-English intrasentential code-switching, which accounts for 58% of the code-switched utterances, was the most dominant type present in math teachers’ spoken discourse, and this was evident when math teachers had to explain math concepts and solutions, or provide examples, among others. Intersentential code-switching made up 38% of code-switched utterances, while tag switching was used… Continue Reading