Eric.ed.gov – A Companion to the Film, “Putting Mathematics Education in Its Place”. Working Paper No. 41

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A challenge for contemporary rural educators (especially teachers) is how to imagine rural education in a way that is not entirely focused on defining the rural as a problems space or as something simultaneously left behind by history and outmigration. Problems of community economic development come into the picture when we attempt to imagine rural schools that support and contribute to their communities rather than mostly serving as way-stations for outward bound youth. These are the kinds of questions raised by the ACCLAIM project, organized by the University of Tennessee Knoxville, Ohio University, West Virginia University, the University of Louisville, and the University of Kentucky. ACCLAIM is doing ground-breaking work in the United States simply by asking a number of key questions about the relationship between math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Quality Partnership Novice Teacher Studies Technical Report NTS 10-01 Research Brief 2007-2009

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this technical report is to summarize the research methodology of the Novice Teacher Study (NTS) strand of the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) research. The Ohio TQP has embarked on a series of research studies to learn more about the characteristics of effective teachers and to identify the patterns of teacher performance in both novice and experienced teachers that commingle to enhance student achievement at different grade levels, in different subjects, and with different types of students. The report is divided into three sections: a brief description of TQP methodology and data sources; a detailed discussion of findings, and conclusions and directions for future research. In preparing this technical report, we drew from artifacts documenting the research processes; from regional and national presentations; and from… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Academic Skills in Context: Testing the Value of Enhanced Math Learning in CTE. Pilot Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes the conduct and outcomes of an experimental pilot study conducted in Spring 2004 to develop and test a model that aimed to enhance career and technical education (CTE) instruction with the mathematics already embedded in the curricula of six occupational areas. Although present in the CTE curriculum, math is largely implicit to both teachers and students. The impetus for the study is that many high school students, particularly those in enrolled in CTE courses, do not have the math skills necessary for today’s jobs or college entrance requirements. This research project was aimed at using an authentic context for teaching math skills. Preparation for the study began in the summer of 2003 with the nationwide recruitment of teacher-participants. CTE teachers who were interested in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Professional Learning Activities in Context: A Statewide Survey of Middle School Mathematics Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Based on a statewide survey of professional learning activities among 577 middle school mathematics teachers in Missouri, this study examined two questions: 1) What professional learning activities do middle school math teachers participate in and how much time do they spend in these activities?, and 2) How are teacher qualifications and contextual characteristics associated with the amount of their professional learning activities? The study examined seven types of formal and informal professional learning activities: 1) professional development programs, 2) teacher collaboration, 3) university courses, 4) professional conferences, 5) mentoring/coaching, 6) informal communications, and 7) individual learning activities. The study found that middle school mathematics teachers spend the greatest amount of time involved in teacher collaboration, professional development programs, and individual learning activities. In addition, mathematics teachers in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Finnish and German 9th Grade Students’ Personal Meaning with Relation to Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study focuses on a comparison of personal meanings that students from Finland (FIN) and Germany (GER) assign to (learning) mathematics. Participants are 256 Finnish and 276 German ninth graders. The survey consists of 18 scales that are based on the theory of personal meaning. The original German version was translated into Finnish. Using item response theory (IRT) partial credit models, the psychometric properties of the scales were found to be good. As statistical procedure, Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis and mean comparisons were conducted to compare the two groups’ (FIN and GER) responses. Indicators of educational system and curriculum could be found in students’ responses to explain similarities and differences between the two samples. In both countries, social inclusion is meaningful for most of the students… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Analysing Dialogue in STEM Classrooms in Ecuador: A Dual Socioeconomic Context in a High School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths education (STEM Education) is presented as a way to reduce marginalisation and promote inclusion in developing countries. This qualitative study aims to identify ways of reducing marginality and promoting inclusion through dialogic and transformative learning by high school teachers of the New Harvest School (NHS), particularly in STEM Education. Method: The study was carried out within the framework of the critical social approach identifying four characteristics of dialogism. The data comprised ethnographic observations of classes, and interviews with the selected teachers, the vice-chancellor and the administrator of the institution. Results: The dialogic characteristics of sequentiality, positioning, historicity and plurality were found in the science classes taught by the institution. Teachers have curricular knowledge capabilities regarding STEM education; however, recommendations were presented regarding… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Accuracy of the Teacher Insight Online Perceiver Tool in Determining the Effectiveness of High Rated and Low Rated Math and Science New Hire Teachers following One Year and Three Years of Single School District Employment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The combined goals of recruiting and retaining effective teachers are often difficult to realize due to fluctuating student enrollments and class-size targets, teaching-load norms or requirements, and budgetary and resource constraints. While schools and districts market and recruit bright new teachers to the field, they too, struggle to maintain enticing career development standards that would retain the most effective teachers in the district. With the high turnover in schools, student achievement suffers. Teacher attrition has grown by 50% over the past fifteen years. The national teacher turnover rate has risen to 16.8%. In urban schools, it is over 20% and, in some schools and districts, the teacher dropout rate is actually higher than the student dropout rate. School districts fall into a chronic cycle of hiring and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Professional Development Model for Math and Science Educators in Catholic Elementary Schools: Challenges and Successes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Catholic elementary schools must continue to invest in the professional development of math and science teachers in order to prepare students for the challenging work that lies ahead of them. The purpose of the study was to examine the degree to which the Initiative for Catholic Schools (ICS), a 2-year professional development program for science and math teachers, demonstrated positive outcomes within the context of Catholic elementary education across the five levels of impact for a professional development program: participants’ reactions, participants’ learning, organization support and change, participants’ use of new knowledge and skills, and student learning outcomes. The results provide evidence of positive outcomes in the participants’ reactions, participants’ learning, organization support and change, and participants’ use of new knowledge and skills. The impact on student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preschool Contexts and Teacher Interactions: Relations with School Readiness

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The majority of early education programs promote children’s learning through a mix of experiences in child- and teacher-managed contexts. The current study examined time spent in child- and teacher-managed contexts and the nature of children’s experiences with teachers in these contexts as they relate to children’s skill development. Participants were preschool children (N = 283, M age = 52 months, 48% girls, 70% Mexican or Mexican American) from families of a lower socioeconomic status. Observations captured children’s time in child- and teacher-managed contexts and experiences with teachers in each context. School readiness was assessed directly and through teacher reports. Research Findings: Time spent in teacher-managed contexts was positively related to children’s academic and social skill development. Experiences in child-managed context predicted vocabulary, math, and social skills when… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Analysis of the Problems Posed by Pre-Service Primary School Teachers with the Context of Environment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current study is an inter-disciplinary study in which the problems posed by pre-service primary school teachers were analyzed within the context of both environment and mathematical processes. A total of 75 pre-service primary school teachers participated in the current study designed according to the case study design, one of the qualitative research methods. The data were collected through the math problems posed by the pre-service teachers with the context of the environment. The environmental contexts were analyzed by using the content analysis method while the problem posing processes were analyzed through the descriptive analysis approach. The results of the analyses have revealed that the pre-service teachers generally preferred to include more than one environmental context in the problems they posed and from among these contexts, the… Continue Reading