Eric.ed.gov – Impacts of a Discussion-Based Academic Language Program on Classroom Interactions in 4th through 7th Grades

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents an exploratory analysis of treatment-control differences in the quality of classroom interactions in 4th through 7th grade urban classrooms. Word Generation (WG) is a research-based academic language program for middle school students designed to teach novel vocabulary and literacy through language arts, math, science, and social studies classes. Previous research found significant positive effects of WG on classroom discussion quality, and this study extends that work by examining whether specific classroom interactions that are integral to the WG program, such as those promoting analysis and inquiry or engaging adolescent perspectives, are higher quality in WG classrooms as compared to control classrooms. As part of the Institute of Education Sciences funded project “Catalyzing Comprehension through Discussion and Debate” (CCDD), the data for this study were… Continue Reading