Eric.ed.gov – The OECD, PISA and the Impacts on Educational Policy

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Large-scale assessment regularly takes place in most jurisdictions across Canada, a fact not lost on the Fraser Institute and other right wing think tanks such as AIMS (Atlantic Institute for Market Studies) which use the test results as the primary basis for compiling school rankings at both the elementary and secondary level (see Gutstein, 2010). The frequency of external testing at different levels (provincial/territorial, national, international)–coupled with the high visibility accorded by the mainstream media to the results, usually in the form of league tables, and the imperatives of short term political mandates–have all contributed to a focus on improving one’s position within the list of rankings, as well as to a narrow focus on the tested subjects–math, science, reading. In this era of accountability-by-numbers, the elevated… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mobile Learning and Early Age Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The ability to develop engaging simulations and constructive learning experiences using mobile devices is unprecedented, presenting a disruption in educational practices of historical proportions. In this paper we describe some of the unique virtues that mobile learning hold for early age mathematics education. In particular, we describe how object-based learning, any place/anywhere learning, collaborative learning, gamified learning, customized learning, and adaptive learning, come to play in our work on “SlateMath.” SlateMath is a richly indexed portfolio of hundreds of instructional units, designed to support the teaching and learning of mathematics at the elementary school level (kindergarten through sixth grade) using mobile devices. SlateMath is cross-platform, multi-lingual, and freely available for schools and teachers world-wide. [For the complete proceedings, see ED557171.] Link til kilde