Eric.ed.gov – The Emphasis of Inquiry Instructional Strategies: Impact on Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Efficacy

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Using a Mixed Methods approach, this study investigated changes in levels of self-efficacy among elementary preservice teachers following a semester course on teaching elementary students’ mathematics. Participants in this study included 347 preservice elementary teachers at a mid-size regional university who had just completed an elementary mathematics methods course. The data were collected from several semester groups. The instruments used were the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument, interview data, and observation data collected during the clinical experience. The focus of this study was to compare the changes in teacher self-efficacy following a methods course that emphasized hands-on mathematics instruction with manipulatives by means of the 5E instructional format. The results of the paired-samples t-test indicated that there was a significant difference in the preservice elementary teachers’ self-efficacy… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Influence on the Quality of Pupils’ Written Explanations — Third-Graders Solving a Simplified Arithmagon Task during a Mathematics Lesson

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of this study is to find out whether there is a connection between teacher’s request and guidance for written explanation and third-graders’ achievements in solving a non-standard problem. Pupils’ task was to solve a simplified arithmagon and to explain their solution. The lessons of seven teachers were recorded and their actions were examined and categorized during a problem-solving lesson. Also pupils’ solutions were checked and classified. The teacher’s behavior seems to have a crucial role in the quality of pupils’ written explanations. The third-graders had difficulties in writing their reasoning for solving the problem. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Using Children’s Literature to Teach Mathematics: An Effective Vehicle in a STEM World

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Today it is critical to excite young people about mathematics in our high-tech STEM world we live in. Math teachers today need to embolden students to be confident in their ability to solve problems, to think and use their imaginations, to understand mathematical concepts, to be creative, and to see math as a human endeavor. The author feels that as students feel less anxious about, and more confident in their abilities to do math their performance will improve. The author has provided an in-depth literature review and offers background information on using children’s literature to teach mathematics; sharing the methods and materials possible to incorporate such literature into such math instruction in a wide range of mathematics strands. The results of using such literature in the teaching… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Alignment of the easyCBM Grades K-2 Math Measures to the Common Core Standards. Technical Report #1228

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Within a response to intervention system of teaching and learning, important instructional decision-making (e.g., implementation of targeted intervention) is regularly tied to the results of formative assessments administered to students throughout the academic year. The validity of these instructional decisions depends to an extent on the alignment between formative measures and the content standards on which classroom instruction is based. Specifically, formative assessments must be aligned to adopted content standards in order for teachers to make valid instructional decisions around individual student learning needs. In this technical report, we report on the alignment between easyCBM® grades K-2 seasonal mathematics benchmark items and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Results suggest reasonable alignment to the standards overall, with areas of relatively stronger and weaker alignment across grade level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Through Fairy-Tales to Math in the Lessons

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Every person in his lifetime has many times experienced the miraculous impact of the fairy-tale on his imagination, mind and feelings. But we seldom reflect upon the content not only in the ethical aspect of fairy-tales but also as a source of different kinds of knowledge, among them the knowledge of mathematics. The use of fairy-tales in lessons opens up one of the new ways of learning. However fairy-tales are not so widely used in mathematics education in primary schools and preschools. The result of a poll of 86 teachers showed that they approve of the use of fairy-tales in the process of learning mathematics. The analysis of the content of fairy-tales makes it possible to come to the conclusion that here are figuratively and conspicuously seen… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Blocks, Learning Goals, and Success Criteria: Planning Instruction and Formative Assessment for K-8 Math Standards. From the College and Career Ready Standards to Teaching and Learning in the Classroom: A Series of Resources for Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This resource is part of a series produced by the Center for Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI) to assist teachers and those who support teachers to plan teaching and learning from College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) for all students, including students with disabilities, English learners, academically at-risk students, students living in extreme poverty, and gifted/talented students. The series of resources addresses key shifts in learning and teaching represented in the CCRS. This resource uses the Common Core State Standards (CCSS; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010) as an example of CCRS. The processes described in this resource are applicable to all States’ CCRS, including the CCSS. The content of this resource is drawn from leading theory and research… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instructional Practices and Student Achievement: Correlations from a Study of Math Curricula. NCEE Technical Appendix. NCEE 2013-4020

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this Appendix, we provide details about the data used for the current study, the curricula used in the classrooms from which data were collected, and the current study’s methodological approach. (Contains 14 tables and 5 footnotes.)[For full report, see ED544189.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Curriculum Matters: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial of Four Elementary School Math Curricula

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in the U.S. Department of Education, examines whether some early elementary school math curricula are more effective than others at improving student math achievement in disadvantaged schools. A small number of curricula, which are based on different approaches for developing student math skills, dominate elementary math instruction–7 curricula make up 91 percent of those used by K-2 educators, according to a 2008 survey (Resnick et al. 2010). The main questions addressed by the study are: (1) What are the relative effects of the study’s four math curricula on math achievement of first- and second-graders in disadvantaged schools? and (2) Are the relative curriculum effects influenced by school and classroom characteristics? The study is addressing these questions by… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth. NCEE Technical Appendix. NCEE 2013-4019

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This appendix provides the details that underlie the analyses reported in the evaluation brief, “After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth.” The details are organized in six sections: Study Curricula and Design (Section A), Data Collection (Section B), Construction of the Analysis File (Section C), Curriculum Effects on Student Math Achievement (Section D), Curriculum Implementation (Section E), and Effects of Switching Curricula (Section F). (Contains 19 footnotes, 35 tables, and 2 figures.) [For the full report, see ED544185.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth. NCEE Evaluation Brief. NCEE 2013-4019

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief aims to help educators understand the implications of math curriculum choice in the early elementary grades by presenting new findings from a study that examined how four math curricula affect students’ achievement across two years–from 1st through 2nd grades. The four curricula were (1) Investigations in Number, Data, and Space (Investigations); (2) Math Expressions; (3) Saxon Math (Saxon); and (4) Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics (SFAW), which the developer revised and renamed enVision Math (enVision) during the study. These curricula are widely used and differ in their approaches to teaching and learning. Within districts, we randomly assigned one of the four curricula to each school that participated in the study. After one year (by the end of 1st grade), students taught with Math Expressions and Saxon… Continue Reading