Eric.ed.gov – An Annotated Bibliography of Math Materials.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The selected bibliography provides information on approximately 500 math materials appropriate for students from preschool through high school. Emphasized are manipulative aids, kits, and prepackaged programs. Materials are listed alphabetically by publisher within the following categories: activity cards, audio aids, charts, diagnostic aids, duplicating masters, film media, games and puzzles, kits and prepackaged programs, manipulatives, supplemental texts and readers, teacher references, teaching machines, transparencies and overhead visuals, and workbooks or worksheets. A typical reference includes name of material, publisher and publisher’s address, order number (when available), cost (when available), appropriate grade levels and a brief description of the material. Also noted is whether the material requires little or no reading skill, is essentially remedial, is programmed, or is suitable for enrichment purposes. (DB) Link til kilde