har udgivet: This study examines the problem of underachievement among gifted high school students. Low achievers were compared to high and moderate achievers on their motivation, self-regulation, and attitudes toward their school and teachers. Participants were all highly able students from grades 10 and 11 in an academically selective gifted high school in Australia (n=197). Teachers were asked to rank the students into high, moderate, and low achievers in terms of their performance in two subjects English and Mathematics. Participants were asked to respond to two surveys that measured their personality characteristics. The results indicate that math achievement and not language achievement may be used with confidence to classify gifted students; high achiever had higher mean scores than moderate and low achievers on all study variables; intrinsic motivation then… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The study measures the impact of pay-for-performance bonuses as part of a comprehensive compensation system within a large, multisite random assignment study design. The treatment schools were to fully implement their performance-based compensation system. The control schools were to implement the same performance-based compensation system with one exception–the pay-for-performance bonus component was replaced with a one percent bonus paid to all educators regardless of performance. The report provides implementation and impact information after four school years. Implementation was similar across the four years, with most districts implementing at least three of the four required components for teachers. In a subset of 10 districts participating in the random assignment… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The study measures the impact of pay-for-performance bonuses as part of a comprehensive compensation system within a large, multisite random assignment study design. The treatment schools were to fully implement their performance-based compensation system. The control schools were to implement the same performance-based compensation system with one exception–the pay-for-performance bonus component was replaced with a one percent bonus paid to all educators regardless of performance. The report provides implementation and impact information after four school years. Implementation was similar across the four years, with most districts implementing at least three of the four required components for teachers. In a subset of 10 districts participating in the random assignment… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In a January 2016 report on teacher shortages in California, “Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage: An Analysis of Sources and Solutions,” the Learning Policy Institute found that there were too few qualified California teachers to meet the growing demand of school districts across the state. A fall 2016 survey of more than 200 California districts revealed that 75% of districts were experiencing teacher shortages, and the vast majority said those shortages were getting worse. Most of those districts reported responding to shortage conditions by hiring teachers with substandard credentials or permits–that is, teachers who have not yet completed the subject matter and teacher preparation requirements for a full credential. In this update, the authors show that, consistent with school district survey data, teacher workforce trends have worsened… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Districts across the country are facing severe shortages of teachers–especially in certain subjects (math, science, special education, career and technical education, and bilingual education) and in specific schools (urban, rural, high-poverty, high-minority, and low-achieving). The severity of the teacher shortage problem varies significantly by state, district, school, and subject. As such, many experts argue that efforts to address shortages should be less about recruiting teachers generally and more about recruiting and retaining the right teachers, in the right subjects, for the right schools. Several states have recently enacted targeted teacher recruitment legislation in one or more of the following areas to attract teachers to high-need schools and subjects: research and data collection; state and district innovations; career pathways and grow-your-own programs; preparation and licensure; financial incentives; and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In practice, teacher turnover appears to have negative effects on school quality as measured by student performance. However, some simulations suggest that turnover can instead have large, positive effects under a policy regime in which low-performing teachers can be accurately identified and replaced with more effective teachers. This study examines this question by evaluating the effects of teacher turnover on student achievement under IMPACT, the unique performance-assessment and incentive system in the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). Employing a quasi-experimental design based on data from the first year years of IMPACT, we find that, on average, DCPS replaced teachers who left with teachers who increased student achievement by 0.08 SD in math. When we isolate the effects of lower-performing teachers who were induced to leave DCPS… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) for 2008. Eighteen months ago, the National Math and Science Initiative did not exist. Today NMSI is helping lead the country forward in math and science. In just 18 months, NMSI has rolled out the first round of grants and has implemented programs in 14 vanguard states. In 2007, NMSI awarded grants of $13.2 each to non-profits in six states to institute AP Training and Incentive programs and grants of $2.4 million to 13 institutions of higher learning for the replication of the UTeach training program for math and science teachers. These programs are essential to address two of the country’s most pressing challenges: (1) Getting more American students to master the math… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The National Math + Science Initiative’s (NMSI’s) College Readiness Program (CRP) is an established program whose goal is to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in high schools to improve students’ readiness for college. It provides teacher, student, and school supports to promote high school students’ success in mathematics, science, and English Advanced Placement (AP) courses, with a focus on students who are traditionally underrepresented in the targeted AP courses. Through a federal Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) validation grant awarded to NMSI in 2011, CRP was implemented in a total of 58 high schools in two states–Colorado and Indiana–beginning in the 2012-13 school year. American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted an independent evaluation of the impacts of CRP on students’ AP outcomes in these schools… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: As in other states, many North Carolina schools face the challenge of hiring and retaining high quality teachers. Recruiting and retaining qualified teachers in math, science and special education is particularly difficult, especially for the schools serving disproportionate shares of disadvantaged or low-performing students. In 2001, North Carolina responded to these challenges by introducing a salary bonus program paying up to $1,800 to certified teachers of math, science and special education in eligible middle and high schools. To be eligible, schools had to meet one of the following criteria: more than 80 percent of its students had to receive free or reduced price lunches, or the failure rate on both Algebra 1 and Biology end-of-course tests had to exceed 50 percent. Funding for this initiative was discontinued… Continue Reading →
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