Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship between Gender, Ethnicity, and Technology on the Impact of Mathematics Achievement in an After-School Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The gap among ethnicities and gender in mathematics achievement is a well-known problem. While the gap has been shrinking over the past three decades, it has not completely diminished (Jencks & Phillips, 1998; McGraw, Lubienski, & Strutchens, 2006). The ALEKS, Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces, tutoring system is one promising example of a technology that can target this problem. ALEKS is a Web-based intelligent tutoring system (ITS) that instructs students on the mathematical topics that they are most ready to learn, assesses students’ current knowledge, and evaluates student performance on problems related to those topics. In order to better understand the role that technology can play in decreasing achievement gaps for gender and ethnicity, the authors examined the effect of interacting with ALEKS in a 6th… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Quantitizing Affective Data as Project Evaluation on the Use of a Mathematics Mobile Game and Intelligent Tutoring System

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Technology-enhanced learning generally focuses on the cognitive rather than the affective domain of learning. This multi-method evaluation of the INBECOM project (Integrating Behaviourism and Constructivism in Mathematics) was conducted from the point of view of affective learning levels of Krathwohl “et al.” (1964). The research questions of the study were: (i) to explore the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) during the use of a mobile game “UFractions” and an intelligent tutoring system “ActiveMath” to enhance the learning of fractions in mathematics; and (ii) to determine the significance of the relationships among the affective learning experiences of the three groups of participants (researchers, teachers and students) in the INBECOM project. This research followed a sequential, equal status, multi-mode research design… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Compendium of Education Technology Research Funded by NCER and NCSER: 2002-2014. NCER 2017-0001

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Between 2002 and 2014, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) supported over 400 projects focused on education technology through the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER). The majority of this work has been funded through Education Technology research topics of NCER and NCSER and the Institute’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program run by NCER. Both centers also support projects focusing on education technology through other research topic areas, including programs such as Cognition and Student Learning, Early Learning Programs and Policies, Math and Science, Reading and Writing, Social and Behavioral Context, Improving Education Systems, and Effective Teachers and Teaching. Together, researchers funded by NCER and NCSER have developed or studied more than 270 web-based tools, 85 virtual… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Riding an Emotional Roller-Coaster: A Multimodal Study of Young Child’s Math Problem Solving Activities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Solving challenging math problems often invites a child to ride an “emotional roller-coaster” and experience a complex mixture of emotions including confusion, frustration, joy, and surprise. Early exposure to this type of “hard fun” may stimulate child’s interest and curiosity of mathematics and nurture life long skills such as resilience and perseverance. However, without optimal support, it may also turn off child prematurely due to unresolved frustration. An ideal teacher is able to pick up child’s subtle emotional signals in real time and respond optimally to offer cognitive and emotional support. In order to design an intelligent tutor specifically designed for this purpose, it is necessary to understand at fine-grained level the child’s emotion experience and its interplay with the inter-personal communication dynamics between child and his/her… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Student Learning in Math through Web-Based Homework

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Much debate surrounds the effectiveness of the common educational practice of homework (Cooper et al., 2006). A randomized-controlled trial has shown that using a web-based homework system that provides immediate feedback to students, while they are doing their mathematics homework, and detailed item reports to teachers significantly improves student learning. The use of that data also changed the homework review process, leading to a more comprehensive and meaningful review of student errors and misconceptions. [For the complete proceedings, see ED597799.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – End the Math Wars

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 1999, Richard Lee Colvin published an article in “The School Administrator” titled “Math Wars: Tradition vs. Real-World Applications” that described the pendulum swing of mathematics education reform. On one side are those who advocate for computational fluency, with a step-by-step emphasis on numbers and skills and the algebra-geometry-trigonometry-calculus sequence. On the other side are those who think students must engage with real-world problems that employ a variety of mathematical disciplines and deep learning of math concepts that comes from struggling with complex problems, comparing multiple solution paths, and learning from trial and error. To understand what it will take to bring the two sides of the mathematics debate together, first consider the approach each side takes to improve student achievement. One side wants to focus mostly… Continue Reading