Eric.ed.gov – The Alignment of easyCBM[R] Math Measures to Curriculum Standards. Technical Report #1002

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the alignment of the easyCBM[R] mathematics benchmark and progress monitoring measures to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics “Curriculum Focal Points” (NCTM, 2006). Based on Webb’s alignment model (1997, 2002), we collected expert judgments on individual math items across a sampling of forms for grades K, 1, and 3-8. We found generally strong alignment across grade levels, focal points, and test forms between the easyCBM[R] mathematics items and the content standards. Example of Rater Materials is appended. (Contains 83 tables.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Noticing Students’ Mathematical Strengths

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research about teacher noticing of students’ mathematical thinking has been an important and ongoing strand of research and practice in mathematics education. Our work extends this agenda by working collaboratively with teachers to learn together how to notice students’ mathematical strengths. The lens on strengths runs counter to the prevalent culture in U.S. schools to overemphasize gaps in students’ understandings. In this paper we describe a video club focused on identifying and naming students’ mathematical strengths and the protocols that support this focus. We illustrate and discuss the important shifts in teachers’ ways of noticing and talking about students’ mathematical activity. We also discuss implications for further research and professional development focused on teacher noticing of students’ math strengths. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583989.] Link til… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidates’ STEM Awareness Levels

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purposes of this research are determining FeTeMM awareness level of teacher candidates and detecting being affected situations of this awareness by different variables. This is a descriptive field research and it was conducted with scanning model. This research’s study group consists of 254 (170 female and 84 male) education faculty students that are at 3rd and 4th grades of Computer, Math and Science Teaching Departments of Amasya University at 2015-2016 education year. As a data collecting tool, “FeTeMM awareness scale” -which was designed by Buyruk and Korkmaz- was used. Within data analyzing; mean, ANOVA, Schieffe and T-Tests were utilized. As a result of analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates have high level of FeTeMM awareness and gender has no effect on this awareness level. Researchers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Exploration of Preservice Teachers’ Reasoning about Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research indicates that many English learners (ELs) have not been effectively supported in meeting their academic learning goals. This explains, in part, the growing interest and corresponding research on the essential teacher knowledge-base for teaching ELs. Despite the attention paid to this issue, research on preservice teachers’ reasoning and instructional decision-making, especially regarding teaching mathematics to ELs remains underexplored. For this reason, we examined–through the use of authentic teaching scenarios–how ten preservice mathematics teachers, at the end of their teacher training, chose to present mathematical concepts to their EL learners. We also studied, in depth, the rationale behind their choices. Qualitative analyses of these data revealed that pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional decision making was grounded in their perceptions of ELs as either a homogenous or a markedly… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of a Site-Based Teacher Professional Development Program on Student Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A mixed methods study is used to investigate the effectiveness of a professional development program intended to enhance teacher knowledge and student learning so as to systematically improve student achievement in elementary literacy. In this study, a large urban school district partnered with a local university to provide intervention in a Title 1, low-performing elementary school. Measures included teacher knowledge and practices based on surveys, classroom observation, and student achievement data. Teachers self-reported their perspectives on school-based teacher training in terms of its significance, requirements, challenges, and possible solutions to teacher training. Schools were selected based on their Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in reading/ language arts’ status. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is a measurement defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the U.S.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instructional Practices and Student Achievement: Correlations from a Study of Math Curricula. NCEE Technical Appendix. NCEE 2013-4020

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this Appendix, we provide details about the data used for the current study, the curricula used in the classrooms from which data were collected, and the current study’s methodological approach. (Contains 14 tables and 5 footnotes.)[For full report, see ED544189.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Focusing on Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge: The Impact of Content-Intensive Professional Development. Study Snapshot. NCEE 2016-4011

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Recent results from national and international assessments continue to show a need for improvement in math achievement among U.S. students. For example, 60 per-cent of grade 4 students scored below the proficient level on the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress. In an era of increasingly rigorous state standards, teachers at all grade levels face heightened expectations to deepen their students’ understanding of math concepts. Teachers may benefit from professional development (PD) that strengthens their own conceptual understanding of math, particularly elementary school teachers who are less likely to formally study math in college than secondary teachers are. To date, there is limited convincing evidence on the effectiveness of intensive, content-focused PD, a gap this study intended to address. This study examined the implementation and impact of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Why Students Do Not Prepare for Math Placement Exams: Student Perspectives. CCRC Research Brief. Number 57

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Drawn from surveys completed by 122 students enrolled in developmental math at four community colleges and from seven student focus groups with a total of 34 developmental math students at those same colleges, this research brief illuminates student experiences with and perspectives on the math assessment and placement process. Findings suggest that many students who go on to enroll in developmental math are unlikely to prepare for the math placement exam, although most students know ahead of time that they are required to take the exam and many colleges make test preparation materials available. Lack of preparation may undermine students’ exam performance and negatively affect the accuracy of their placement. We identify four interconnected reasons why students tend to not prepare for the exam: (1) misperceptions about… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Strengthening the Math-Related Teaching Practices of the Early Care and Education Workforce: Insights from Experts. Policy Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As a growing body of evidence links school success and early mathematical experiences, there is increasing interest in offering young children opportunities to bridge their informal understanding of mathematics with more formal concepts and processes. At the same time, many teachers and caregivers in the early care and education (ECE) field may not be adequately equipped to provide appropriate math-related experiences and instruction to young children age birth through five. The aim of this project, Strengthening the Math-Related Teaching Practices of the Early Care and Education Workforce, has been to identify promising practices and strategies for enhancing the ability of ECE practitioners to promote children’s mathematical understanding and competence. This paper summarizes the perspectives of nationally recognized experts in the field of mathematics and early care and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instructional Practices and Student Math Achievement: Correlations from a Study of Math Curricula. NCEE Evaluation Brief. NCEE 2013-4020

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief is directed to researchers and adds to the research base about instructional practices that are related to student achievement. Additional evidence on these relationships can suggest specific hypotheses for the future study of such instructional practices, which, in turn, will provide research evidence that could inform professional development of teachers and the writing of instructional materials. The results of this study revealed a pattern of relationships largely consistent with earlier research, but not in every case. Results that are consistent with previous research include increased student achievement associated with teachers dedicating more time to whole-class instruction, suggesting specific practices in response to students’ work (1st grade only), using more representations of mathematical ideas, asking the class if it agrees with a student’s answer, directing students… Continue Reading