Eric.ed.gov – Making Sense of a Trial Maths Intervention Program for Students with Disability in Australia: Interim Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Success in primary and secondary school mathematics is becoming increasingly important to today’s teachers, students, parents and employment providers in Australia. Mathematics is viewed as high status and essential for a range of employment opportunities. The Disability Standards for Education [1] and the Australian Curriculum, Reporting and Assessment Authority [2] underscore the rights of students with disability to access the curriculum on the same basis as students without disability. They are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities drawn from Australian Curriculum content on the same basis as students without disability. Taking this context into account, this paper provides a work-in-progress report about a two year mathematics intervention project conducted in twelve special schools (Preparatory to Year 12) in Queensland, Australia. The purpose of the project… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Novice Teachers Reflect on Their Instructional Practices While Teaching Adults Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Over three years, eighty-two teachers in their first or second year of teaching participated in orientation programs for new adult educators. During the programs, they reflected on their own instructional practices when teaching mathematics to adults. The teachers identified the practice they were likely to overemphasize and explained why they were likely to do so, posting their responses to online course discussion boards. Almost half of the respondents reported they “primarily emphasize calculation skills” and shared various reasons for doing so. The remaining respondents reported emphasizing one of four other instructional practices. Teachers put forth a variety of justifications for the instructional practices they have been using. Professional development efforts will need to recognize and take account of the teachers’ beliefs, assumptions and current practices. Link til… Continue Reading