Eric.ed.gov – Institute of Education Science Findings from Interviews with Education Policymakers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This reports presents interview findings with education policymakers on various aspects of educational research. The sampling contained the following groups: superintendents and other local education officials; chief state school officers; state higher education executive officers; state legislators; governors’ educational policy advisors; congressional staff members; and education association executive directors. Altogether, 142 interviews were conducted. The interviews covered the following aspects of educational research: (1) research priority areas from policymakers’ perspectives; (2) access to and use of existing research; (3) assessment of existing research; and (4) suggestions for improving education research. Student achievement–especially achievement in reading, math, and science–and its relationship to effective instruction, curricula, programs, and policies was the highest priority for research shared by the policymakers interviewed across groups. Respondents also expressed the importance of research… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sex Equity and Math Achievement: A Summary of Research and Recommendations.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Influences on sex equity in mathematics achievement are discussed in this summary of research and recommendations. Information on the following topics is presented, with each finding referenced to a source or sources in the bibliography provided at the end of the report: mathematics enrollment, influences on mathematics participation, predicting mathematics achievement, sex differences in attitudes toward mathematics and in mathematics achievement, visual/spatial skills, parents, peers and significant others, teachers, classroom environment, school structure, testing, advanced placement girls, career aspirations and educational goals, and recommendations to parents, teachers, and school personnel. Forty-four references are included in the bibliography. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – How the Experts Teach Math. Research in Brief.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Findings are reported from a six-year study of seven expert mathematics teachers who taught in elementary schools in very poor neighborhoods with “difficult” students or in economically depressed areas with high unemployment. Compared with novice teachers, the expert teachers used time more wisely, organized lessons better, and knew their content and how to help children learn it. Each of these aspects is discussed with specifics noted. The three aspects are intertwined, and expert teachers know how to combine the three so that their students are successful. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – A Look at Math Teachers and Problem Solving.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The need for mathematics teachers to incorporate instruction in problem-solving skills into the curriculum is discussed. Results of a study of problem-solving instruction in the classrooms of nine seventh grade teachers are briefly noted. There were significant differences between the teachers in how they planned, organized, and delivered lessons, but there was little difference between regular lessons and problem-solving lessons. Moreover, students showed little improvement in problem solving. A complete description of the study is included. How the teachers taught is described in some detail. Implications are discussed in terms of organizational style, problem-solving content, and other teaching methods. Several figures and tables are supplied. (MNS) Link til kilde