Eric.ed.gov – A Teacher for Every Classroom: New Teachers in the Baltimore City Public Schools, 1999-2004

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study, commissioned by The Abell Foundation, analyzes new teachers hired by the Baltimore City Public School System (BCPSS) over the past several years. In particular, the study compares different categories of new teachers: those with full professional certification, teachers in alternative certification programs (Teach for America, the BCPSS Teaching Residency Program, and Project SITE SUPPORT), and conditionally (formerly provisionally) certified teachers who were not participating in alternative programs. This preliminary study lays the foundation for future research in which this relationship can be examined. This study sought to address whether alternatively certified teachers provided the school system with: (1) More subject area expertise at secondary level (measured by college major or minor) than available from other new teachers; (2) Higher PRAXIS scores (PRAXIS 1, PRAXIS 2a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Gifted Females Can Be Supported in Math and Science: A Proposal for Mentoring in Secondary Schools.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper addresses the personological aspects relative to male and female success in two subject areas (math and science) and addresses specific concerns in the area of mentoring. Personality factors operative for success in math and science are reviewed, and teachers are advised to encourage, support, and facilitate those personality traits which appear to augur for success. One particular technique for encouraging females to pursue their interests is mentoring. The need of the mentor to nurture, encourage, and develop certain salient personality traits is emphasized. Reasons why bright individuals (both females and males) do not succeed are listed, such as lack of product orientation and capitalizing on the wrong abilities. Guidelines are presented for mentoring creatively gifted youth. Mentors are urged to guide their female protegees to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Identifying Perceptions That Contribute to the Development of Successful Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering Programs in Utah

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: An educational crisis has been reported from many scholarly platforms for the last quarter century. The United States is faced with the challenge of providing a secondary science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, especially in secondary pre-engineering, that will lead its students to the fulfillment of academic and domestic success. Educational reform is paramount in defining goals for the future and in reaching those goals both in secondary education institutions and in the nation. The educational crisis addressed in this research is characterized by K-12 public education not producing students who have the necessary skills or inclination to be successful in college and university engineering programs across the nation. Today, there are many programs available for public schools to participate in pre-engineering. The purpose of this… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Influences on Beginning Teachers’ Literacy-Related Instructional Beliefs: A Longitudinal Case-Study Comparison of Five Non-Traditional Math and Science Teachers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on a study to document influences on five beginning mathematics and science teachers’ instructional beliefs after a preservice methods course in secondary literacy. The participants were former military officers who had selected teaching as a second career. The study looked at: the teachers’ beliefs about uses of literacy in their content instruction from preservice through the second teaching year; influences the teachers perceived as affecting their beliefs; and how and why the teachers’ beliefs about literacy in their content instruction changed or remained constant over the 3-year period. Results showed: all five teachers’ beliefs had been influenced by the methods course; the teachers’ instructional beliefs became more elaborate and specific during their student teaching and first year of teaching; as student teachers, they were… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigations in Math and Science AB: A Course of Study for Grades 7-12.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Investigations in Math and Science AB” is an annual science elective for students in grades 7-12 in Los Angeles Unified School District. Section 1 of this guide provides teachers with a discussion of the course content, including the course description, representative objectives, required instructional units, and enrichment activities. Basic skills to be mastered include the communication skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing; reasoning; problem solving; computation skills; and performance skills. The second section discusses lesson planning and instruction for the course and includes: (1) a list of teacher responsibilities; (2) a model for the teacher-directed lesson process; (3) an agenda format for daily activities; (4) questions and commentary for teaching decisions; (5) a suggested lesson plan format; (6) questions and vocabulary to promote higher levels of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Science and Math Activities and Resources for Teaching Home Economics (S.M.A.R.T.).

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide was written to aid home economics teachers in developing a greater understanding and use of basic skills in the home economics curriculum. The objectives of this guide are (1) to expand the awareness of underlying mathematics and science principles in the consumer and vocational home economics curriculum and (2) to provide a bank of resources to give teachers a practical and useful base from which to launch their own basic skills instruction. The curriculum guide, structured around the Montana Scope and Sequence, is divided into the curriculum areas of child development, family life, clothing and textiles, foods and nutrition, consumer education, and housing and home furnishings. Objectives and page numbers corresponding to the Scope and Sequence are noted on the top of each page. Science… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Writing Is Learning: Strategies for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Writing activities can be used to cultivate students’ enthusiasm for learning. This book shows teachers how to introduce their students to the benefits of writing in a variety of subjects including math, language arts, science, social studies, and art. Each chapter in the book includes an observation that allows readers to enter a classroom and see how the teacher uses specific writing assignments to sustain and deepen students’ interaction with subject matter. Each chapter also includes examples of student writing that resulted from each activity; detailed discussion showing how the writing exercises benefited students and teachers; writing prompts; and strategies to evaluate and comment on student writing. Chapters in the book are: (1) Getting Started: Journals and Learning Logs; (2) Putting Ideas in Order: Narratives and Problem… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Job-Related Basic Math Skills: An Analysis of Employees and Employers/Supervisors’ Perception of Needed Math Skills for Office Occupations.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Phase I of a study was conducted to identify the basic mathematics competencies needed for job success in office occupations (14 job clusters). It also sought to determine the differences between employees’ and employer/supervisors’ perceptions of the degree of importance of mathematics skills for office occupations. Following a review of literature, a preliminary list of business and office mathematics skills was submitted to an advisory committee of business teachers, field tested, and refined into a questionnaire that contained a list of 36 basic mathematics skills and 30 mathematics-related business skills. Survey forms were created and sent to 1,652 employees and 288 employer/supervisors at 58 businesses in Louisiana, with responses returned by 854 employees and 171 employer/supervisors. Tables were prepared showing ratings of mathematics skills by each of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – GED 21st Century Learning Pathways Pilots. Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For the nearly 39 million U.S. adults who do not have a high school diploma, the General Educational Development (GED) programs and exam have served as the main avenue for improving individuals’ skills and helping them earn a high school credential. However, few students who start these programs ever get this credential, and even fewer advance to the postsecondary education and higher-level training programs that could increase their earning potential. In response to this challenge, the American Council on Education (ACE) partnered with Pearson Inc. to release a new more rigorous GED test in 2014 that assessed the crucial thinking, writing, and analytical skills considered essential for success in today’s labor market. In addition, ACE partnered with the New York City Department of Education’s District 79 (D79),… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Responding to the Crisis in Math and Science Teaching: Four Initiatives. Final Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Four nontraditional teacher education programs to attract and train mathematics and science teachers are described. Three of the programs are aimed at midcareer professionals; the fourth is aimed at recent college graduates who did not prepare to become teachers as undergraduates. All are small programs; they provide models for other institutions to follow. The programs are at Harvard University, the University of Massachusetts, the University of Vermont, and Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. The study was organized around six research questions: (1) What are the characteristics of these programs? (2) What are the characteristics of their students? (3) What attracted the students to the programs? (4) What are students’ evaluations of the programs? (5) What are the career plans and motivations of the students? and (6)… Continue Reading