Eric.ed.gov – Year 3 of Implementing the Common Core State Standards: An Overview of States’ Progress and Challenges

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: States are in a crucial phase of implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which outline the knowledge and skills that students in grades kindergarten through 12 are expected to learn in mathematics and English language arts (ELA) to be prepared for college and careers. As of July 2013, 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted these voluntary, state-developed standards in both subjects, and an additional state, Minnesota, has adopted the CCSS in ELA only. To learn more about states’ strategies, policies, and challenges in this third year of implementing the CCSS, the Center on Education Policy (CEP) at The George Washington University conducted a comprehensive survey of deputy superintendents of education or their designees in February through May of 2013. Forty states responded, including… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Alabama Education News. Volume 28, Number 9

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Alabama Education News” is published monthly except for June, July, and December by the Alabama Department of Education. This publication, authorized by Section 16-2-4 of the “Code of Alabama”, as recompiled in 1975, is a public service of the Alabama Department of Education designed to inform citizens and educators about programs and goals of public education in Alabama. This issue contains the following articles: (1) Effective School Bus Maintenance Combats High Fuel Costs; (2) Torchbearer Schools Light Up Student Performance; (3) Alabama among First States to Administer New ELL Test; (4) School Systems Consistently Receive National Award; (5) School of Fine Arts Director Pens Drama Highlighting Birmingham’s Racial History; (6) $10,000 Recycling Rewards for 10 Alabama Public Schools; (7) Math Tournament Readies Students for State Tests; (8)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Establishing a Strong Foundation: District and School-Level Supports for Classroom Implementation of the LDC and MDC Frameworks. Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested in the development and dissemination of high-quality instructional and formative assessment tools to support teachers’ incorporation of the Core Common State Standards (CCSS) into their classroom instruction. Literacy experts have developed a framework and a set of templates that teachers can use to develop content area modules focused on high quality writing tasks closely tied to subject area texts. Math experts have developed formative assessment lessons (FALs) that teachers can incorporate throughout the year’s curriculum. Across both content areas, the tools target the “instructional core” by raising the level of content; enhancing teachers’ skill and knowledge about instruction, content and formative assessment; and catalyzing student engagement in their learning so that they will achieve at high levels. These tools… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Literacy at the Core of the Delaware World Language Immersion Programs

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Certain aspects of the implementation of language immersion programs in Delaware are unique given the state’s size, demographics, and role in national education initiatives including Race to the Top, Common Core, and Smarter Balance. The Delaware experience typifies what every state, district, or even school goes through as they try to provide students with more intensive, longer sequences of language learning that lead to high levels of proficiency. The state exports products to more than 160 different countries each year, cities across the state participate in 6 Sister City Partnerships, and Delaware regularly sponsors Trade Missions to locations including China, Germany, Italy, and even Pakistan. Residents in the state speak more than 80 languages combined. The Department of Education has Memoranda of Understanding in place with 9… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Readiness Matters! 2014-2015 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Maryland’s demanding new Kindergarten Readiness Assessment was administered statewide for the first time. Its results are revealing and sobering. Many states do not even check in any systematic way on their children’s readiness for kindergarten, and in previous years, Maryland used metrics based on modest expectations, outdated standards, and feel-good politics. With the leadership of State Superintendent Lillian Lowery and Assistant Superintendent Rolf Grafwallner, Maryland has brought a new sense of reality to the skills that five-year-olds should possess if they are truly prepared to succeed in kindergarten and the early grades. These span four domains, two of them cognitive (language, math), plus physical well-being (motor development, hygiene, etc.) and what they term “social foundations” (self-control, for example). The assessment is individually administered by kindergarten teachers and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using a Scientific Process for Curriculum Development and Formative Evaluation: Project FUSION

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Given the vital importance of using a scientific approach for curriculum development, the authors employed a design experiment methodology (Brown, 1992; Shavelson et al., 2003) to develop and evaluate, FUSION, a first grade mathematics intervention intended for students with or at-risk for mathematics disabilities. FUSION, funded through IES (Baker, Clarke, & Fien, 2008), targets students’ understanding of whole number concepts and skills and is being designed as a Tier 2 intervention for schools that use a multi-tiered service delivery model, such as Response to Intervention (RtI). In developing this intervention, the authors have drawn extensively from the converging knowledge base of effective math instruction (Gersten et al., 2009; National Math Advisory Panel, [NMAP] 2008) and the critical content areas of first grade mathematics recognized by national bodies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Biennial Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Title III State Formula Grant Program: School Years 2008-10

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the fourth biennial report to Congress on the implementation of the “Elementary and Secondary Education Act’s” Title III State Formula Grant Program (also known as the English Language Acquisition State Grants Program). This report provides information reported by states to the U.S. Department of Education regarding services provided for children served under Title III to ensure that all limited English proficient (LEP) students attain English proficiency and are achieving in reading or language arts and in mathematics at the same high level set by the states for all students. Under the State Formula Grant Program, states also are accountable for the education of immigrant children and youth. In this report, the U.S. Department of Education presents data reported by the 50 states, the District of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Conditions for Scale and Sustainability. Brief Four

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math experts developed Formative Assessment Lessons that teachers can incorporate throughout the year’s curriculum. Both tools target the “instructional core.” A study by Research for Action (RFA) examining the first year of piloting the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC) tools (2010-11) found evidence of initial success in tool use indicated by teachers’ perceptions that the tools positively influenced teacher practice. In the second year of the Initiative (2011-12), tool use grew within and across sites. The focus of the research has expanded accordingly to include an analysis of how the tools are being introduced to additional classrooms, schools and districts, and what strategies are most effective in sustaining and strengthening tool use. This brief focuses on efforts to scale up and sustain broader… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Look at Early Language Learning in Utah

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The state of Utah is leading the nation in a surge of new elementary language immersion programs. Their unprecedented growth of programs, over a four-year span, has been both intentional and systemic, taking advantage of a supportive base and promoting language learning as a way to increase economic benefits for the state. While math and science are core content components, literacy, aligned to the Common Core English Language Arts, is also an important feature of their immersion curriculum. Gregg Roberts, Utah’s Department of Education World Language consultant and 2009 winner of the Pearson State Supervisor of the Year, answered questions about how the program began, what it looks like, how it builds literacy, and what is being done to sustain it. He responded to questions such as:… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Literature To Help Emergent Readers Develop Concepts in Math, Social Studies, and Science.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: It is imperative that classroom teachers encourage emergent literacy without sacrificing literature or an introduction to some of the basic concepts in the content areas. This annotated bibliography features some examples of titles recommended by “Best Books for Children” which carry content standards recently established by national organizations and/or state departments of education for the lower grades. The bibliography lists four books which are compatible with science education content standards, four books which are compatible with history-social science standards, and five books which are compatible with mathematics content standards. Each annotation consists of a description of the book, a brief description on the concept addressed, and a class activity to be conducted after reading the book aloud. (NKA) Link til kilde