Eric.ed.gov – Effective Coaching: Improving Teacher Practice and Outcomes for All Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this brief is to synthesize research on coaching and to offer a framework of effective coaching practices. Part 1 provides general information on coaching, including the need for coaching and the goals of coaching. Part 2 describes critical coaching practices that are linked to improvements in teacher practice and learner outcomes. As these practices are most associated with such improvements, they are the recommended practices that should be central to the every-day routine of coaches working in general education or special education settings, as well in environments (e.g., homes, schools, childcare centers) with learners of all ages. Appendix A contains information about various coaching models commonly cited in research and applied in the field (e.g., literacy coaching, behavior coaching, math coaching). This brief is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers Learning to Prepare Future Engineers: A Systemic Analysis Through Five Components of Development and Transfer

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used a systemic perspective to examine a five-component experiential process of perceptual and developmental growth, and transfer-to-teaching. Nineteen secondary math and science teachers participated in a year-long, engineering immersion and support experience, with university faculty mentors. Teachers identified critical shifts in perceptions of engineering, and recognized appropriateness of engineering as a career option for their students. They transferred content learning and perceptions to students, through experiential narratives and instructional activities. Teachers reported that their secondary math and science students demonstrated observable change in knowledge, skill and beliefs about engineering, subject area score and skill improvement, class engagement, and engineering-related career aspirations. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Developing a Collaborative Model in Teacher Education — An Overview of a Teacher Professional Development Project

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The article discusses the development of an educational model intended to support teachers’ professional development in science education. In this research and development project, LumaLähetit, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators formed teams to collaboratively plan teaching and produce material for inquiry-based and integrative science instruction in primary schools. The results are based on three design cycles of the model. Thus far, ten schools, 24 in-service teachers, 30 pre-service teachers, and 560 pupils have participated. The results, which are based on the qualitative content analysis of participants’ open answers to a questionnaire, indicate that the developed collaborative model for science education supported preservice teachers and in-service teachers’ professional development in many ways. Several processes mediating the embodiment of the designed model were identified, especially during the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Beyond the Acronym: Preparing Preservice Teachers for Integrated STEM Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Integrated STEM education seeks to build deep connections between science, technology, engineering, and math. Contextualized lessons give students greater access to these content areas and can heighten engagement. Great parallels can be drawn between liberal arts philosophies and integrated STEM education. This paper explores how one teacher team developed curriculum and enacted lessons using an integrated STEM approach. This study found that teachers viewed integrated STEM instruction as rewarding. The teachers also mentioned the need for constant communication to fully implement the model. Students perceived this model positively and enjoyed participation. Outcomes of this study have the potential to inform teacher preparation programs by making more transparent how implementation of integrated STEM models can be achieved. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing Collaboration among Math and Career and Technical Education Teachers: Is Technology the Answer?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher collaboration has been recognized as a vital component to student success. This project represents an evaluation of the researchers’ initial efforts toward providing in-service education for teachers focused on collaboration between math and CTE teachers. The purpose of this study was to (1) describe selected characteristics of secondary teachers of math and CTE, (2) describe their perceptions concerning the “value of” and their “willingness to implement” the instructional practices and activities presented during a professional development seminar, and (3) assess their views about the use of emerging technology for teacher collaboration. Survey responses indicated that using the Math-in-CTE Model was valued. Overall, respondents valued technology but seemed a bit reserved about the likelihood of implementing and using technology. Results imply that teachers with positive attitudes and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Possibilities and Challenges of Teaching Integrated Math and Social Studies for Social Justice: Two Teacher Educators’ Collaborative Self-Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this paper, we–one mathematics teacher educator and one social studies teacher educator–describe a project where we collaborated to model teaching integrated mathematics and social studies for social justice in our methods courses. Using a self-study approach, we examined our teaching and our students’ learning with regards to teaching integrated mathematics and social studies for social justice. We encountered varied challenges in our efforts to prepare teacher candidates for social-justice-oriented lessons. These challenges included teacher candidates’ perception of authority/credibility of their professors who were foreign females from the “Third World,” teacher candidates’ deficit views on minoritized students, and the limited time and resources for teacher collaboration in teacher education. Despite these challenges, we believe this kind of project is necessary to move forward in teacher preparation for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Education That Works: Preparing Secondary-Level Math and Science Teachers for Success with English Language Learners through Content-Based Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Little research exists on effective ways to prepare secondary mathematics and science teachers to work with English language learners (ELLs) in mainstream mathematics and science (subsequently referred to as STEM) classrooms. Given the achievement gap that exists between ELLs and their native-speaking counterparts in STEM subjects, as well as the growing numbers of ELLs in US schools, this becomes a critical issue, as academic success for these students depends on the effectiveness of instruction they receive not only in English as a second language classes (ESL), but in mainstream classrooms as well. This article reports on the effects of a program restructuring that implemented coursework specifically designed to prepare pre-service and in-service mathematics, science, and ESL teachers to work with ELLs in their content and ESL classrooms… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changing the Way to Teach Maths: Preservice Primary Teachers’ Reflections on Using Exploratory Talk in Teaching Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports on the reflections of twenty-one primary preservice teachers following a microteaching experience that focused on the use of talk and collaborative group work, as part of a primary mathematics specialist education programme. Based on the didactic strategies of exploratory talk, the experience intended to develop knowledge for teaching mathematics in a contingent way. Preservice teachers’ reflections from an online survey and from written recounts were analysed in relation to noticing students’ learning and behaviour. Whilst the preservice teachers indicated that the microteaching experience impacted on their teaching, some reflections revealed tensions in noticing student learning and in balancing a focus on both collaborative talk and mathematics content. These tensions suggest that resistance to change in the practice of novice teachers may not be due… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Developing Science and Mathematics Teacher Leaders through a Math, Science & Technology Initiative

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study explores the effects of a professional development teacher leadership training program on the pedagogical and content development of math and science teacher leaders at the elementary level. The study is qualitative in nature, and the authors collected data using the online survey instrument Survey Monkey. The major implications of the study are twofold: (a) The professional development training that the fellows received enhanced their pedagogical and content knowledge and provided them the necessary experience to be effective teacher leaders; and (b) meaningful teacher leader-teacher relationships have a positive impact on teachers embracing an inquiry-based style of teaching using a Math, Science, and Technology Initiative program. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Collaboration between Mathematics Facilitators and Preschool Teachers Using the Innovative “Senso-Math” Preschool Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article presents a mixed-method study of the innovative “Senso-Math” preschool program and the reactions of both the facilitators, who underwent a special training program, and the preschool teachers in whose classes the program was implemented. The goal of the program is to enhance mathematical development in preschool children through the intervention of trained facilitators who bring the adjunct program into preschools. The results indicate a positive change in the attitudes of the facilitators to their professional calling and, after an adjustment period, a positive attitude overall regarding the facilitators’ contribution to mathematics education in the preschool as evidenced by the significant relationships that developed between the facilitators and the preschool teachers. Link til kilde