Eric.ed.gov – Study of the Reliability of CCSS-Aligned Math Measures (2012 Research Version): Grades 6-8. Technical Report #1312

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this technical report, we describe the results of a study of mathematics items written to align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in grades 6-8. In each grade, CCSS items were organized into forms, and the reliability of these forms was evaluated along with an experimental form including items aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Focal Point Standards. The purpose of the experimental measure was to evaluate how previously existing math items functioned empirically relative to the CCSS items. All included NCTM items were previously rated as linked with the CCSS. Analyses included Rasch modeling to explore the difficulty and functioning of both sets of items, classical reliability statistics (Cronbach’s alpha, testretest, and alternate form reliability) and two sets of Generalizability… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Predicting Math Outcomes from a Reading Screening Assessment in Grades 3-8. REL 2016-180

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: District and state education leaders frequently use screening assessments to identify students who are at risk of performing poorly on end-of-year achievement tests. This study examines the use of a universal screening assessment of reading skills for early identification of students at risk of low achievement on nationally normed tests of reading and math and provides support for the interpretation of screening scores to inform instruction. Several members of the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast Improving Literacy Alliance already use a reading screening assessment–the Florida Center for Reading Research Reading Assessment (FRA)–for all students in grades 3-8 to identify students who may be at risk of poor end-of-year reading outcomes. To gain more information to drive instruction without students having to spend more time taking tests, these alliance… Continue Reading