har udgivet: Designed to assist the classroom teacher interested in implementing career education, this guide presents lesson plans, prepared by public school teachers, which integrate career education activities. Learner objectives, which provide a base for implementation plans, are listed in the introductory section and relate to self-knowledge, decisionmaking skills, career awareness, economic awareness, educational awareness, attitudes and appreciation, and social awareness. Each lesson plan is presented in the following format: Grade or IGE unit, subject, educational concept, elements and element objectives, activities, resources, and followup activities. The lesson plans cover the units of math (grades 9-10); Spanish (grades 9-12); home economics (grades 9-12); agriculture (grades 9-12); physical education (grades 9-12); biology (grade 10); social studies (grades 9-12); math, geometry, algebra (grades 9-12); distributive education (grade 11); French I and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper advocates using teaching methods in math and social studies instruction that take into consideration the students’ learning styles to increase achievement for at-risk students. Rural at-risk students need mathematics and social studies instruction that will prepare them for the 21st century. Traditional methods of instruction have not been successful for at-risk students. Teachers need to consider how environmental, emotional, sociological, physical, and psychological stimuli can be accommodated through instructional strategies. Learning styles are defined in terms of how individuals react to 21 elements of the instructional environment. Semantic mapping strategies can be used to provide structure for students who need it. Students who lack persistence can be given short tasks with breaks between them. Sociological needs of students can be accommodated through grouping students in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This curriculum material is designed to be used effectively in any adult literacy and basic education program to develop numeracy skills in learners with an interest in cars. This flexible course consists of six units. It can be taught as a short course, units can be taught individually, and units can be taught in any sequence. Each unit is divided into two sessions, each taking approximately 2 hours. Each unit includes an overview of the unit and the sessions, a list of the materials required for each session, activities, and handouts. Activities contain two different types of information: notes for the teacher and suggestions of what the teacher could say to the learner. At the end of each session, learners are asked to spend a few minutes… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This is a series of 12 teacher-prepared Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) for General Mathematics 1. Topics covered include using mathematical tools; counting and computing; measurement: whole and fractional numbers; measurement: decimal notation; percent; tables and graphs; introductory algebra; equations and applications; integers; and computing, managing, and using income. The units each contain a rationale for the material being covered; lists of behavioral objectives; a list of reading assignments, problem sets, tape recordings, and filmstrips that go with the unit; and a student self-evaluation problem set. (DT) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This series of 12 teacher-prepared Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) for General Mathematics 2 covers the topics of numbers; descriptive statistics; calculations with whole numbers and percents; measurement; geometric concepts; formulas, areas, and volumes; introductory algebra; integers; indirect measurement; insurance, taxes, and savings; consumer mathematics; and different number bases. Each unit contains a rationale for the material being covered; lists of behavioral objectives; a list of reading assignments, problem sets to be completed, and tape recordings; and a student self-evaluation problem set. (DT) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This volume contains three teacher-developed units for eleventh grade mathematics students. It serves as an introduction to logarithms, matrices, and functions. Units include statements of objectives, content discussions, worksheets, and exercises. In the logarithm unit the emphasis is on calculation, while in the matrices and functions units development and proof are considered as well. Related volumes in the series are SE 016 615, SE 016 617, and SE 016 618. (LS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This document summarizes the work of the Math Curriculum Project at San Francisco State University. The project developed seven curriculum units for the middle school mathematics program, using microcomputers as a problem solving tool to foster mathematical thinking and develop insights into mathematical concepts. They also created a prototype telephone network that is both a message system and a curricular data base for activities in each unit. Finally, they developed a teacher training model from their experiences in piloting the materials. The report describes the objectives, methods and procedures, outcomes, and dissemination activities of the project. An overview of the units, a network manager manual, a message system user manual, and a list of talks about the project are appended. (MNS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This secondary unit of instruction on mathematics is one of sixteen Common Core Units in Business Education (CCUBE). The units were designed for implementing the sixteen common core competencies identified in the California Business Education Program Guide for Office and Distributive Education. Each competency-based unit is designed to facilitate personalized instruction and may include five types of materials: (1) a teacher’s guide, which provides specific strategies for the units as well as suggestions for the use of the materials; (2) a student manual, which directs the student through the unit’s activities and jobs and brings the student to the competency level for the unit; (3) working papers, which are consumable materials used in completing the jobs and activities described in the student manual; (4) pre/post tests and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This program, which provides an introduction to study skills in mathematics for pre-algebra students through a series of 10 activity-oriented units, is structured on the assumption that activity-oriented lessons are the most effective way to teach study skills. By completing activities in the units, students learn about study skills needed for mathematics and practice those skills in a mathematics environment. The program addresses a wide range of student needs, providing an introduction to specific skills for students who have little sense of a particular study skill, providing a learning experience of initial mastery for students who are ready to acquire a skill, and offering review and reinforcement for students who have mastered a given skill. Topic areas of the units include: listening as a mathematical skill, problem… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Classroom physical activity (PA) has been linked to a multitude of health and academic benefits. However, due to barriers such as lack of time and resources many teachers are not implementing classroom PA to the degree they would like to. One innovative solution is to integrate classroom PA into academic concepts. Based on self-determination theory, this pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of a teacher-developed purposeful movement teaching strategy on PA, on-task behavior and academic achievement. Two third grade classrooms participated in this pilot study, one acting as the comparison and the other working with the school Physical Education teacher to develop the active lessons. The evaluation consisted of accelerometers, direct observation, academic assessments and a write and draw activity to assess student perceptions. Significant improvements were found… Continue Reading →
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