Eric.ed.gov – Math, Science and Engineering Education: A National Need. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, First Session (Kansas City, MO, May 1, 1989).

eric.ed.gov har udgivet:

This is a report on the hearing for solutions to the problems in science, mathematics, and engineering education at the postsecondary level. Topics of prepared statements and the testifiers are: (1) educating scientists and engineers (Daryl E. Chubin); (2) science and engineering education needs viewed from the perspectives of the national laboratories (E. Michael Campbell); (3) current status and plan for United States-based companies (M. J. Montague); (4) quality education for minorities (R. O. Hope); (5) programs of excellence in mathematics education (Shirley A. Hill); (6) problems and solutions in elementary school science (Cynthia K. Yocum); (7) students, teachers, and resources in secondary school science (Kent Kavanaugh); (8) education satellite networks (Hal Gardner); (9) challenge and future of science education (Dennis M. Wint); (10) preserving Americas’ scientific preeminence (David Eli Drew); (11) graduate education in science and mathematics perspectives both as administrator and as scientist (Judson D. Sheridan); and (12) efficiency of graduate fellowships in areas of national need (Ed Wilson). (YP)

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

Jeg er ansat som lektor hos Læreruddannelsen i Jelling, hvor jeg underviser i matematik, specialiseringsmodulet teknologiforståelse, praktik m.m. Jeg har tidligere været ansat som pædagogisk konsulent i matematik og tysk hos UCL ved Center for Undervisningsmidler (CFU) i Vejle og lærer i udskolingen (7.-9. klasse) på Lyshøjskolen i Kolding. Jeg er ejer af og driver bl.a. hjemmesiderne www.lærklokken.dk og www.iundervisning.dk, ggbkursus.dk og er tidligere fagredaktør på matematik på emu.dk. Jeg går ind for, at læring skal være let tilgængelig og i størst mulig omfang gratis at benytte.

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