har udgivet:
This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on metric measurement. Topics addressed include decimal structure and prefixes, precision in measurement, reference measures, United States customary and metric systems, volume, area, and conversion. The module consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The guide and solutions to exercises gives the instructor approaches to the exercises and solutions to problems. Student materials and exercises provide such items as diagrams, charts, and centimeter-squared paper to be used by students. Exercises include problems that apply the concepts and problem-solving strategies developed in the module; they may be used as part of the instructional activities, as content for small-group activities, as homework assignments, or as review materials. The student summary and review summarizes the content of the module, focusing on formulas, terminology, key concepts, problem-solving strategies, and examples of techniques used. (JN)