Eric.ed.gov – The Power of Expectations: Two Stories

eric.ed.gov har udgivet:

This article describes the power of the word “CAN”. The author, Laurene E. Simms reports that as a poor, black, deaf youngster her teacher’s facial expressions conveyed their feelings that she was of low IQ and mentally retarded, however two persons had a positive impact on her, her father and 7th grade math teacher. They challenged her with high expectations and firm belief in her potential and she reports this had a “transforming power” over her. Belief in her own ability made her study hard and earn good grades. She graduated valedictorian. Whatever challenge life presented her father was there with encouraging words, “to always work to the best of her ability whether with good or bad situations.” It was up to her to decide to overcome whatever obstacles arose and fight for her success. She had to decide to read and study hard; to make the decision to refuse to allow lousy teachers to control her grades, or to control her destiny. She had to determine her future. “CAN” came true, Simms today holds a PhD and is a professor in Deaf Education at Gallaudet University.

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Troels Gannerup Christensen

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