tandfonline.com – The Influence of Louvain Teaching on Jan Baptist Van Helmont’s Adoption of Paracelsianism and Alchemy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article investigates the extent to which Louvain (Leuven) teaching could provide the foundations of a new learning and philosophy that included Paracelsianism and alchemy. The particular lens is through Van Helmont’s studies in Louvain, taking place in the 1590s. It shows that teaching at Louvain had a profound impact on Van Helmont’s thought. The paper further points out that Van Helmont’s learning process did not include only traditional university courses, but also classes at the Jesuit college, and practical learning through Jesuits and artisans. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – International financial reporting standards (IFRSs) adoption in Africa: Abibliometric analysis

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Countries in Africa have since joined their counterparts in other regions of the world in adopting IFRSs with over 30 countries either requiring or permitting its use for its companies. This study contributes to academic literature as it presents a bibliometric analysis on the state of IFRS research in Africa. The analysis involves 73 published articles listed on Scopus database between 2005 and 2018. Key findings in the study indicate that the first research document on Scopus database on IFRS in Africa was in 2005, despite its early adoption since 1993 in Zimbabwe. There is a continued upward growth in the volume of publications and citations over the years. The year of first IFRSs adoption is not associated… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Adoption of Open Educational Resources by One Community College Math Department

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The high cost of textbooks is of concern not only to college students but also to society as a whole. Open textbooks promise the same educational benefits as traditional textbooks; however, their efficacy remains largely untested. We report on one community college’s adoption of a collection of open resources across five different mathematics classes. During the 2012 fall semester, 2,043 students in five different courses used these open access resources. We present a comparison between the previous two years in terms of the number of students who withdrew from the courses and the number that completed the courses with a C grade or better. Our analysis suggests that while there was likely no change in these educational outcomes, students who have access to open access materials collectively… Continue Reading