tandfonline.com – Data Science in 2020: Computing, Curricula, and Challenges for the Next 10 Years

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract In the past ten years, new data science courses and programs have proliferated at the collegiate level. As faculty and administrators enter the race to provide data science training and attract new students, the road map for teaching data science remains elusive. In 2019, 69 college and university faculty teaching data science courses and developing data science curricula were surveyed to learn about their curriculum, computing tools, and challenges they face in their classrooms. Faculty reported teaching a variety of computing skills in introductory data science (albeit fewer computing topics than statistics topics), and that one of the biggest challenges they face is teaching computing to a diverse audience with varying preparation. The ever-evolving nature of data science is… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Easy-to-Use Cloud Computing for Teaching Data Science

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract One of the biggest hurdles of teaching data science and programming techniques to beginners is simply getting started with the technology. With multiple versions of the same coding language available (e.g., Python 2 and Python 3), various additional libraries and packages to install, as well as Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to navigate, the first step can be the most daunting. We show the advantages of using cloud computing to solve this issue and demonstrate one way of implementing it to allow beginners to get started with coding immediately. Using user-friendly Jupyter notebooks along with the interactive capabilities possible through Binder, we provide introductory Python and SQL material that students can access without downloading anything. This lets students to… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teaching Creative and Practical Data Science at Scale

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Nolan and Temple Lang’s Computing in the Statistics Curricula (2010) advocated for a shift in statistical education to broadly include computing. In the time since, individuals with training in both computing and statistics have become increasingly employable in the burgeoning data science field. In response, universities have developed new courses and programs to meet the growing demand for data science education. To address this demand we created Data Science in Practice, a large-enrollment undergraduate course. Here, we present our goals for teaching this course, including: (1) conceptualizing data science as creative problem solving, with a focus on project-based learning, (2) prioritizing practical application, teaching and using standardized tools and best practices, and (3) scaling education through coursework that… Continue Reading