tandfonline.com – Facial recognition technology in schools: critical questions and concerns

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Facial recognition technology is now being introduced across various aspects of public life. This includes the burgeoning integration of facial recognition and facial detection into compulsory schooling to address issues such as campus security, automated registration and student emotion detection. So far, these technologies have largely been seen as routine additions to school systems with already extensive cultures of monitoring and surveillance. While critical commentators are beginning to question the pedagogical limitations of facially driven learning, other this article contends that school-based facial recognition presents a number of other social challenges and concerns that merit specific attention. This includes the likelihood of facial recognition technology altering the nature of schools and schooling along divisive, authoritarian and oppressive lines.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teacher-researchers’ quality concerns for practice-oriented educational research

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Practice-oriented educational research is increasingly gaining traction in educational research due to its intention to contribute to both educational research and educational practice. Educational researchers have established quality concerns that practice-oriented educational research should meet in order to realise this intention. We argue that teachers’ quality concerns probably differ from researchers’ concerns. This may explain why practice-oriented educational research faces challenges concerning its contribution to educational practice. The aim of this study is to identify teacher-researchers’ perspectives on the quality of practice-oriented educational research and to analyse how these differ from the research perspective. In a qualitative empirical study, individual reflections, small-group discussions and semi-structured interviews of ten purposefully selected teacher-researchers are analysed following a so-called informed grounded… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Investigation of Teachers’ Attitudes, Concerns and Self-Efficacy toward Inclusive Education in STEM Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research in this study examined the factors that affect teachers’ attitudes, concerns, and self-efficacy toward inclusive education in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classrooms. The study was driven by the following overarching research question: Is there a significant correlation between teachers’ attitudes and teachers’ self-efficacy toward inclusive education in STEM classrooms? A sample of 198 teachers who taught at least one of the STEM subjects were selected randomly from various K-12 schools in Louisiana. A four-part survey questionnaire with reliable validity was used to collect data indicators. An ANOVA and t-test were used to analyze effect of demographic factors on teachers’ attitudes, concerns, and self-efficacy toward inclusive education. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used while investigating correlations between attitudes of teachers and their self-efficacy toward inclusive… Continue Reading