Eric.ed.gov – The Mechanisms behind the Results: Moderators of “Building Blocks” Curricular Effects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In intervention research, it is critical to determine not just if an intervention is effective, but for whom it is effective and “under what circumstances” those effects occur. Moderators can be the key to answering those questions. A moderator is a variable that affects either the direction or the strength of the relationship between the predictor (curriculum condition, in this case) and the dependent variable (here, child outcomes) (Baron & Kenny, 1986). Identifying those variables that help specify the conditions under which interventions are most effective is central to social science research (Cohen et al. 2003). Moderators of curricular effects may be particularly important to scale-up studies. There may be no more challenging educational and theoretical issue than scaling up educational programs across a large number of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematical Treats Form the Stars: Integrating Curricular Elements through Partnerships between NASA and Math Methods Faculty.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mathematics methods coursework can be an innovative environment through which to emphasize the integration of real-world data structures and opportunities. These opportunities can create instructionally informative opportunities for learners, as well as inform teacher candidates of innovative teaching tools at their fingertips. NASA offers numerous curricular opportunities to the mathematical methods coursework, with work focusing on both PreK-12 learners as well as university learners. Such a wide array of interest levels integrate numerous learning objectives, depending upon the needs and desires of the instructors and learners whom they serve. This paper focuses on the innovative opportunities that the NASA educational entity offers to the PreK-12 as well as university mathematical methods courses. Examples are presented in links to several Web sites, which are developed by and in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Putting all students in one basket does not produce equality: gender-specific effects of curricular intensification in upper secondary school

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In recent decades, several countries have made an effort to increase the enrollment rates and performance of students in science and mathematics by means of mandatory, rigorous course work, which is often referred to as curricular intensification (CI). However, there is a lack of research on intended and unintended effects of CI reforms on achievement and motivation. Using representative data from the National Educational Panel Study, we examined effects of a prototypical CI reform in 1 German state. We compared data from the last student cohort before and the first student cohort after the reform at the end of upper secondary school. There was no statistically significant effect on average achievement. However, we found first evidence for differential… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Mathematics Learning by Integrating Curricular Activities with Innovative and Developmentally Appropriate Digital Apps: Findings from the Next Generation Preschool Math Evaluation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper describes findings from a blocked randomized design (BRD) field study conducted to examine the “Next Generation Preschool Math” (NGPM) program’s implementation in preschool classrooms and promise in improving young children’s mathematic learning. NGPM integrates traditional preschool activities with developmentally appropriate technology to support teaching and learning. During development, an evidence-based curriculum design framework and iterative development processes were employed (i.e. design-based research). Research questions guiding this research include: (1) Does experiencing NGPM impact young children’s mastery of subitizing and equipartitioning?; (2) Can the NGPM units feasibly be implemented in preschool classrooms?; (3) Does experiencing the NGPM unit 1 impact young children’s mastery of subitizing?; (4) Does experiencing the NGPM unit 2 impact young children’s mastery of equipartitioning?; and (5) Does experiencing the NGPM intervention improve… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Curricular approaches to algebra in Estonia, Finland and Sweden – a comparative study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to investigate and compare approaches to algebra in the Estonian, Finnish, and Swedish national core curricula (Grades 1–9). Despite the similarities in the school systems of these neighboring countries, the analysis reveals three quite different curricular approaches. The Estonian approach shows influences of the Russian Davydov School. The Finnish approach to some extent resembles the traditional one whereby algebra is addressed first at the lower secondary level and then in a formal manner. However, there are also characteristics typical of the functional view, which dominates the Swedish curriculum. Here, as opposed to the documents from the other two countries, a transition to more formal sophisticated methods at the secondary level is not… Continue Reading