Eric.ed.gov – Determining the Study Skills of Student Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Background: It is known that success of a student is affected by the skills of motivation, time management. Studies have showed that there is positive relationship between academic achievement and study skills of a student. Purpose: It is thought that study skills of learners should be defined to be more successful on teaching-learning process. The aim of this study is to examine the study skills of student teachers if there is a significant difference regarding to discipline and gender. Setting: Research was implemented at Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) in Trabzon city of Turkey in 2007-2008 academic years. Study Sample: The sample of this study consists of 135 student teachers from the Science and Technology Education Program at Department of Primary Science Education and from Department of Secondary… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Tutor-student interaction in undergraduate chemistry: a case of learning to make relevant distinctions of molecular structures for determining oxidation states of atoms

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this study, we explore the issues and challenges involved in supporting students’ learning to discern relevant and critical aspects of determining oxidation states of atoms in complex molecules. We present a detailed case of an interaction between three students and a tutor during a problem-solving class, using the analytical tool of practical epistemology analysis (PEA). The results show that the ability to make relevant distinctions between the different parts of a molecule for solving the problem, even with the guidance of the tutor, seemed to be challenging for students. These shifts were connected to both purposes that were specific for solving the problem at hand, and additional purposes for general learning of the subject matter, in this… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Accuracy of the Teacher Insight Online Perceiver Tool in Determining the Effectiveness of High Rated and Low Rated Math and Science New Hire Teachers following One Year and Three Years of Single School District Employment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The combined goals of recruiting and retaining effective teachers are often difficult to realize due to fluctuating student enrollments and class-size targets, teaching-load norms or requirements, and budgetary and resource constraints. While schools and districts market and recruit bright new teachers to the field, they too, struggle to maintain enticing career development standards that would retain the most effective teachers in the district. With the high turnover in schools, student achievement suffers. Teacher attrition has grown by 50% over the past fifteen years. The national teacher turnover rate has risen to 16.8%. In urban schools, it is over 20% and, in some schools and districts, the teacher dropout rate is actually higher than the student dropout rate. School districts fall into a chronic cycle of hiring and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Determining ESL learners’ vocabulary needs from a textbook corpus: challenges and prospects

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Determining ESL learners’ vocabulary needs from a textbook corpus: challenges and prospects Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Determining Quantity and Strength of Relationships between STEM Camp Participants and the Math Student Camp Leaders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is a global issue concerning the disparity in educational achievement associated with the socioeconomic status of students, known in the U.S. as the Achievement Gap. This Achievement Gap highly correlates with what has been called the Opportunity Gap for professional careers. This paper discusses this Opportunity Gap and how the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) is addressing the gap at a local level through summer STEM camps. Specifically, this paper looks at the increase of social capital of the participants of the UNO and Girls Inc. Eureka-STEM! summer camp through the development of instructional relationships between underserved girls ages 12-14 and UNO’s Institutional Agents, namely the Mathematics student camp leaders who were also pursuing teacher certification. A new assessment approach through the use of Social Network… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Improving Student Evaluation of Teaching: Determining Multiple Perspectives within a Course for Future Math Educators

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Instructors in higher education are very familiar with the Likert scale Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (SET) used to evaluate teaching. Researchers have raised concerns about biases affecting the results of SET surveys, as well as their validity and reliability and use in high-stakes decision making. Here, we demonstrate that Q methodology, identified as an 80-year-old mixed method, is better suited to determine the differing student views about a college math education course. We will discuss how Q used for SET can produce results that are more helpful in assisting faculty in improving their teaching effectiveness and in redesigning courses while also providing more informative SET results for faculty evaluations. Link til kilde