tandfonline.com – Creating a response space in multiparty classroom settings for students using eye-gaze accessed speech-generating devices

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Conversation Analysis was used to explore how teachers, personal care assistants, and students organized inclusive multiparty classroom interaction when one of the students in the classroom used an eye-gaze accessed speech-generating device (SGD). Scaffolding and collaborative practices that created a response space for the construction of the eye-gaze accessed SGD-mediated turn were identified and analyzed. The participants were two adolescent students with severe cerebral palsy and intellectual disability who relied on eye-gaze accessed SGDs, and their teachers, personal care assistants, and classmates with intellectual disabilities. The data consisted of 2 hr and 40 min of video recordings collected in the participants’ classrooms. Three practices were identified (a) the practice of explicit turn allocation organization and the use of display questions,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing Personal Devices in Math

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined the effect of implementing personal devices into a fifth-grade mathematics classroom. Thirty-eight fifth graders participated in this eight-week project with a focus on six students to track their growth. During this study, students engaged in technology-based stations that pertained to our geometry unit and coordinate unit. Students took pre and post tests on paper to track progress. In addition, students completed online assessments within their practice websites to track comprehension and growth of the content. Furthermore, students were observed to ensure they were staying engaged in the online activities and to track student engagement about using personal devices within math. Link til kilde