tandfonline.com – Digital Humanities and Italian Studies: Intersections and Oppositions

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article examines the relationship between two fields of study, Italian Studies and Digital Humanities (DH), by documenting projects that employ digital or computational methods in the study of Italian language, literature, history, and the arts. In a complementary fashion, the author outlines the analytical questions of Italian scholars that have potential to advance inquiry in DH. A final section is devoted to contextualizing DH within the practice of Italian Studies at the institutional, program, and department levels by drawing on research of course offerings and a survey circulated in August 2017. The overall finding is that the area of overlap between DH and Italian Studies is intellectually rich, with increasing (yet still sparse) opportunities to develop specialization in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Pasts and Futures of Digital Humanities in Musicology: Moving Towards a “Bigger Tent”

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Musicologists and music theorists have traditionally been early adopters of technological tools to assist with research. The earliest digital humanities projects in musicology and music theory came directly out of humanities computing and quantitative analytical technologies developed in the 1980s, but newer projects created since the mid-2000s still reflect this past of algorithmic analysis and archival compilation, retrieval, and display. Computational and archival research is, currently, only one branch of digital humanities. The umbrella of digital humanities research now also includes digital publishing, philosophies of digital research, and “born digital” projects that cannot exist outside of a digital medium (e.g., virtual reality or 3D modeling). This shift in the digital humanities represents a move to a “bigger tent”… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – How to Approach Salons? A Fin-de-siècle Italian Case Study

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Many scholars have problematised the meaning that is nowadays attributed to the word salon, even if most of them still use it as a concept to study a specific female type of sociability. The regularity of the meetings, and the mixtures of gender, social groups and nationalities are mostly mentioned as the defining characteristics of a salon. Since these have a quantitative fundament it is surprising that most scholars only use qualitative methods. Analysing the receptions of the Italian countess Ersilia Caetani-Lovatelli, this article shows the value of quantitative research. It helps disproving old historiographical assumptions that are mostly related to the social composition and functioning of the gatherings. It also leads to a plea for using of… Continue Reading