tandfonline.com – Swedish students in the process of transition to upper secondary education – factors of importance for educational choice and for their future

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The paper explores factors of importance for young people’s choice of upper secondary education and for their future life, from a student perspective. The paper builds on data from a questionnaire study, answered by 1,414 students in grade 9 (age 15–16) in Sweden, prior to their choice of upper secondary school. In addition, data from earlier studies, have been included. Results show that the majority plan to transit to further levels of education. There is, however, a group of students who opt to move directly into work. In relation to making an educational choice, the factors that dominate the decision-making processes of students are related to; interest and ability, wellbeing and fun, but also plans after upper secondary… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Gendered repertoires in nursing: new conceptualizations of educational gender segregation

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research on educational gender segregation has been mostly concerned with the lack of women in male-dominated educational fields, and only to a lesser degree with the shortage of men in female-dominated subjects. This article addresses the latter issue and introduces new theoretical tools to the research field of educational gender segregation. Building on in-depth interviews with male and female nursing students in Norway, the article illuminates processes that may contribute to gender inclusion and exclusion. Combining theory on cultural beliefs on gender, symbolic boundaries and repertoire theory, the article shows how the valued nursing competence of being caring – together with an operative cultural belief that women are more caring than men – provides the female students with… Continue Reading