Eric.ed.gov – Incorporating the Dragging Feature of Dynamic Geometry Environments in Teaching and Learning College Geometry

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a study about pre-service secondary mathematics teachers’ (PSMTs) understanding about the nature of theorems in geometry, the researcher noticed that it was challenging for the PSMTs to visualize and draw counterexamples to disprove the given mathematical statements. Meanwhile, the use of the dragging feature of dynamic geometry environments (DGEs), such as the Geometer’s Sketchpad and GeoGebra, in teaching and learning proof and reasoning has been widely discussed and become an ongoing research trend. In this paper, the researcher and her colleague will present a research design aimed at investigating PSMTs’ conceptions of counterexamples in geometric reasoning when using the dragging feature of DGEs. Expected results of the study are potentially beneficial to pre-service/in-service secondary math teachers as well as teacher educators. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Readability, content, and mechanical feature analysis of selected commercial science textbooks intended for third grade filipino learners

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Textbooks remain as major learning aids in all levels of education worldwide. Thus, textbooks must constantly be subjected to critical analysis in order to establish their curricular usefulness. This paper analyzed four commercial science textbooks designed for third grade Filipino learners. The four textbooks were analyzed according to readability and comprehensibility, content, and mechanical features. Readability was evaluated using popular readability formulas, while comprehensibility was determined using the Sonmez’s formula and the cloze test methods. The content features were the textbooks’ alignment with national science standards, conceptual errors, and level of gender bias. Finally, the mechanical features were focused on printing and lay-out, and handiness of the textbooks. Readability analysis revealed that the textbooks were written three to… Continue Reading