tandfonline.com – The Influence of Lecturers’ Expectations of Students’ Role in Meaning Making on the Nature of their Powerpoint slides and the Quality of Students’ Note-making: A First-year Biology Class Context

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Learning within first-year biology is about inquiry, but in this content-heavy science students can easily fall into the trap of parrot-fashion learning. This study investigates the influence of lecturers’ expectation of students in meaning making on the nature of their slides and the quality of students’ note-making. Data were collected by classroom observations, video-recordings, a questionnaire for students and interviews with lecturers and students. The quantity and quality of students’ notes were analysed for four lectures. The analysis of data resulted in three categories of lecturers: ‘student-centred’, ‘student-directed’ and ‘teacher-centred’. The student-centred lecturers provided key points on their slides, anticipated that students would build on their class notes and focused on the development of the students’ critical-thinking ability. The… Continue Reading