Eric.ed.gov – The Individualization of Math in Grades Five and Six: An Experimental Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Fifth- and sixth-grade students in one school were instructed using the Mathematics Target System, an individualized approach, while those at a comparable school were given more traditional instruction. Students in both the experimental and control groups were pretested using the Pupil Opinionnaire, Attitude Toward Mathematics scale, and the Stanford Achievement Test. After a year’s instruction, students were again tested using parallel forms of these instruments. Differences between groups at each test administration and differences between pre- and post-test means were submitted to analyses using the Chi-square statistic. Although there were some differences between the groups at the outset of the study, the individualized approach was shown to be quite effective with fifth-grade students. The authors observe that independent influences on the control group resulting from increased systemwide… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Appraising research on personalized learning: Definitions, theoretical alignment, advancements, and future directions

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This article introduces a special issue comprising research on efforts to personalize learning in different academic subjects. We first consider the emergence of personalized learning (PL) and the myriad of definitions that describe its essential features. Thereafter, we introduce the articles in the special issue by examining their alignment to extant theories of learning, the instructional design features that personalize the learning experience based on a learner characteristic, and the relationships between PL design and outcomes achieved in an educational context. Based on observations of contemporary PL research, we identify key issues to be addressed by the field and recommendations for future researchers to undertake to advance a PL theory. Chief among issues with PL are the role… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Individualized teaching practices in the Swedish comprehensive school from 1980 to 2014 in relation to education reforms and curricula goals

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The study investigated changes in teaching practices and classroom processes, seen from a student perspective, before and after the education reforms of the 1990s, and the introduction of the Swedish 1994 National Curriculum for comprehensive school. The total time pass stretches from 1980 to 2014. The focus is on comparisons of results based on identical statements in questionnaires, given to six nationally representative student cohorts within the ongoing Evaluation Through Follow-up project, who attended grade 6 or grade 9. The findings show the working atmosphere in the Swedish grade-6 schools to have improved during the 1980s, pointing also to changes in the teacher role. Teacher-led class teaching was in less use than in previous decades, but still the… Continue Reading