har udgivet: This report draws on the findings of nearly four dozen others: national and international studies that speak with a strong, collective voice about what it takes to improve math and science education. But the authors’ intent with “World Class” is not simply to synthesize those reports. It is to establish a statewide, working agenda for Massachusetts–a blueprint for how to enact the cumulative recommendations of the researchers and educators mentioned in this paper. This report is also a K-12 public education companion to the report issued last year by Mass Insight Education’s sister organization, Mass Insight Corporation. “Choosing To Lead: The Race for National R&D Leadership” and “New Economy Jobs” presented an action plan to help Massachusetts maintain its position as a sci-tech leader and to secure… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper argues for a reimagining of education abroad that fuses short-term programming with some kind of experiential research component led by home campus disciplinary faculty, especially those in the sciences, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, in order to better integrate the study abroad program into the core undergraduate curriculum. To show how this could be done, this paper: (1) provides a brief background on study abroad; (2) reviews the relevant literature on the learning goals, program assessment, and faculty engagement in education abroad programs; (3) examines the current state of academic integration within study abroad; (4) explores the growth in undergraduate research at both home and overseas; and (5) identifies the unique opportunities represented in the extensive patterns of international faculty research collaborations, and explains… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article is concerned with an early phase in the history of educational comparisons in which international exhibitions played a major role as spaces for comparison. It looks at the educational exhibits at the Exposition Universelle in Paris 1900, and more specifically its exhibitions on drawing instruction. By following a central Swedish actor, Hjalmar Berg, and his ambition to modernise drawing instruction in Sweden based on his impressions at the exhibition, the article argues that the exhibition was a medium with the potential to promote aesthetic modernisation. Previous research has highlighted the world’s fairs as important arenas for the international comparison of education. This article is intended to contribute to this field by also exploring what these exhibitions… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article is concerned with the early phase of international large-scale assessments. Drawing on media discussions before and after the release of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) surveys of 1973, the chapter discusses the relationship between international assessments, scandalisation, and de-scandalisation, with a specific focus on the interpretation of the comprehensive school reform in Sweden. The first section of this article deals with the early years of the 1970s, a time in which international data on education played a minimal role in educational discourse, creating space for other ways of discussing the perceived quality of schooling. The second section covers the effects of the IEA surveys released in 1973, whose positive results took… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Accepted Abstracts from the International Brain Injury Association’s 12th World Congress on Brain Injury: March 29, 2017−April 1, 2017New Orleans, Louisiana Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Using their cross-disciplinary review of “Ideas that Work in College Teaching,” the authors explore the pedagogical commonalities of fifteen higher education instructors from SUNY Potsdam (State University of New York at Potsdam) in an attempt to reveal the secrets of teaching success across thirteen academic disciplines–math, computer science, geology, modern languages, political science, philosophy, history, biology, psychology, sociology, physics, and art. While the specific instructional disciplines varied considerably in the content that was both studied and presented, the authors found that the principles of effective teaching were quite similar across each of these disciplines. The insights shared by these fifteen accomplished instructors provide pedagogical wisdom that all teachers can learn from regardless of context or developmental age and stage of student capability and competence. Common goals and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract International organizations are ubiquitous in contemporary Europe and the wider world. This special issue takes a historical approach to exploring their relations with each other in Western Europe between 1967 and 1992. The authors seek to ‘provincialize’ and ‘de-centre’ the European Union’s role, exploring the interactions of its predecessors with other organizations like NATO, the OECD and the Council of Europe. This article develops the new historical-research agenda of co-operation and competition among IOs and their role in European co-operation. The first section discusses the limited existing work on such questions among historians and in adjacent disciplines. The second section introduces the five articles and their main arguments. The third section goes on to elaborate common findings, especially… Continue Reading →
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