tandfonline.com – Teacher-Directed Versus Inquiry-Based Science Instruction: Investigating Links to Adolescent Students’ Science Dispositions Across 66 Countries

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instructional practices have been shown to influence students’ performance on science assessments. However, only a small body of research has examined the associations of teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instructional practices with science-related dispositions among adolescent students using nationally representative samples drawn from countries across the globe. Hence, the present study, employing multilevel path analyses as an analytic strategy, investigated the relations of teacher-directed and inquiry-based science instruction to students’ science-related dispositions, such as enjoyment of science, interest in broad science topics, instrumental motivation to learn science, science self-efficacy, and epistemological beliefs about science, among 428,197 adolescent students from 15,644 schools in 66 countries. Results of multilevel path analyses, after controlling for student-, school-, and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Teaching and learning interaction in South Africa’s higher education: Some weak links

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. Abstract The quest to get many people into higher education often crowds out the need for quality teaching and learning achievement if not backed up by resources. Narratives of recurrent concerns in the higher education sector include maintaining access to and quality of higher education, achieving a better outcome and reduce the number of students dropping out of institution. Although successes have been achieved in terms of student access to higher education, the same cannot be said of success… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Exploring Links between Foundation Phase Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Their Example Spaces

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper explores two foundation phase teachers’ example spaces (a space in the mind where examples exist) when teaching number-related topics in relation to snapshots of their content knowledge (CK). Data was collected during a pilot primary maths for teaching course that included assessments of teacher content knowledge (CK). An analysis of a content-knowledge focused pre-test developed for the larger study indicated a relatively high score for one teacher and a low score for the other. Using Rowland’s (2008) framework, an analysis of classroom practice showed associations between a higher CK and the extent of a teacher’s example space and more coherent connections between different representational forms. Although no hard claims or generalisations of the link between teachers’ example spaces and their level of mathematics content knowledge… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Implementation of College- and Career-Readiness Standards: Links among Policy, Instruction, Challenges, and Resources

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Using state-representative teacher surveys in three states–Texas, Ohio, and Kentucky–we examine teachers’ implementation of college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards. What do teachers report about the specificity, authority, consistency, power, and stability of their standards environment? How does their policy environment predict standards-emphasized instruction? Do these relationships differ for those who teach different subjects (math and English Language Arts [ELA]), different grades (elementary or high school), different populations (English Language Learners [ELLs], students with disabilities [SWDs]), and in different areas (rural, urban, or suburban)? We found elementary math teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than elementary ELA teachers, whereas secondary ELA teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than secondary math teachers. Teachers of SWDs and rural teachers taught significantly less of the emphasized content. In all three states,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Revisiting the Influence of Math Links: Building Learning Communities in Urban Settings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: It has been a decade since the article “Math Links: Building Learning Communities in Urban Settings” (referenced throughout as Math Links) was published in the inaugural issue of the “Journal of Urban Mathematics Education” (“JUME”; Leonard & Evans, 2008). The Math Links study, as reported in that article, investigated teacher interns’ attitudes and beliefs about their interactions with urban students in a community-based setting. In that article, it was acknowledged that changing teacher attitudes and beliefs can be challenging, but nonetheless accomplished. The goal for the teacher interns was to transform attitudes and beliefs about teaching mathematics to urban students from routine and decontextualized ways to classroom practices in which culturally based and social justice oriented methods framed instruction. Here, we reflect on that work for the… Continue Reading