Eric.ed.gov – Feasibility Study of Assessing the Supply and Demand for Educators in Maine

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Like most states, Maine is facing staffing shortages. Recent Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) studies have documented–both quantitatively and qualitatively–some of the challenges that schools face in filling teacher positions. In this report the authors focus on the supply of educators and assess the feasibility of using administrative data from the certification system to identify shortage areas. Specifically, they combine certification and staff data to quantify the number of certificate holders who are working in their endorsement area, working in education outside of their endorsement area, or not working in Maine’s education sector (i.e. potentially available for hire) to get a rough sense of demand and supply. They give special attention to teacher shortage areas including math, science, special education, world languages and English language acquisition.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Maine

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Maine cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Maine students have made progress in math over the past decade. Yet not enough get the chance to learn rich and challenging content that prepares them for college and careers, and few eighth graders have teachers with undergraduate majors in math or science. Since gets especially short shrift: elementary students spend little time on the subject, and most science teachers say they don’t have the resources they need. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Turnover in Maine: Analysis of Staffing Patterns from 2005-06 to 2016-17

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There have long been anecdotal reports that some Maine districts have difficulty filling vacancies and retaining teachers. This is a common lament for schools in rural areas, and for schools across the state in hiring teachers for certain subject areas-namely math, science, special education, and foreign languages. Current policy initiatives in Maine such as the push for proficiency-based high school diplomas are raising the stakes for schools to employ high-quality teachers in all content areas. There is a concern that schools facing persistent teacher shortages may struggle to provide a comprehensive educational program, resulting in inequitable learning opportunities for their students. To further investigate the empirical evidence behind these anecdotal reports, the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs commissioned this study of the Maine Education… Continue Reading