tandfonline.com – Two Project-Based Strategies in an Interdisciplinary Mathematical Modeling in Biology Course

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract James Madison University faculty team-teach an interdisciplinary mathematical modeling course for mathematics and biology students. We have used two different project-based approaches to emphasize the mathematical concepts taught in class, while also exposing students to new areas of mathematics not formally covered in class. The first method allows students to select projects based on their individual interests, which provided the class with an exposure to the breadth of applications of mathematical modeling to biology. The second method allows students to select projects that are focused around one common biological theme, which encouraged a remarkable cohesion among the whole class. These strategies could be extended to various applications-based mathematics courses. We present our observations and make recommendations for project-based… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Supporting Computational Apprenticeship Through Educational and Software Infrastructure: A Case Study in a Mathematical Oncology Research Lab

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT There is growing awareness of the need for mathematics and computing to quantitatively understand the complex dynamics and feedbacks in the life sciences. Although several institutions and research groups are conducting pioneering multidisciplinary research, communication and education across fields remain a bottleneck. The opportunity is ripe for using education research-supported mechanisms of cross-disciplinary training at the intersection of mathematics, computation, and biology. This case study uses the computational apprenticeship theoretical framework to describe the efforts of a computational biology lab to rapidly prototype, test, and refine a mentorship infrastructure for undergraduate research experiences. We describe the challenges, benefits, and lessons learned, as well as the utility of the computational apprenticeship framework in supporting computational/math students learning and contributing… Continue Reading