tandfonline.com – Linguistic Accommodation in Teenagers’ Social Media Writing: Convergence Patterns in Mixed-gender Conversations

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The present study analyzes the phenomenon of linguistic accommodation, i.e. the adaptation of one’s language use to that of one’s conversation partner. In a large corpus of private social media messages, we compare Flemish teenagers’ writing in two conversational settings: same-gender (including only boys or only girls) and mixed-gender conversations (including at least one girl and one boy). We examine whether boys adopt a more ‘female’ and girls a more ‘male’ writing style in mixed-gender talks, i.e. whether teenagers converge towards their conversation partner with respect to gendered writing. The analyses focus on two sets of prototypical markers of informal online writing, for which a clear gender divide has been attested in previous research: expressive typographic markers (e.g.,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Blended Learning with WhatsApp Media on Mathematics Creative Thinking Skills and Math Anxiety

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The blended learning was a learning model that combines offline and online learning. There are two types of blended learning models used in this research, namely the flipped classroom model and the station rotation model. In these models, the teacher would use WhatsApp as a media for online learning. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of blended learning models on mathematical creative thinking skills and math anxiety of public junior high school students in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Province. The research method used was quasi-experimental by sampling using stratified cluster random sampling techniques. There were three schools selected as research samples, namely Mojolaban 1 Public Junior High School, Mojolaban 2 Junior High School, and Grogol 3 Public Junior High School. The data collection… Continue Reading