tandfonline.com – On the sudden rise of Dutch science at the end of the nineteenth century: a core-periphery approach

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the remarkable success of Dutch scientists near the end of the nineteenth century, as exemplified by five Nobel laureates in the period 1901–1913. Some historians suggest that the key factor contributing to the sudden rise of Dutch science was the establishment of a new type of high school, called HBS, which generated unprecedented social mobility of middle-class pupils to Dutch universities. The HBS also provided a pathway for its science teachers to write a PhD thesis outside the walls of the university. Taking a core-periphery approach, we compare the effects of an HBS-background (periphery) and Royal Academy membership (core) on the recognition that Dutch professors. Consistent with core-periphery theory, we find that professors who taught… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Technical nation building: German professional organisations and their journals in the nineteenth century

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract During the long nineteenth century, the German States saw an exceptionally large number of technical journals published by equally numerous professional organisations as a means of supporting the scientific interaction among their respective members. As the political fragmentation of the German Federation into thirty-nine states hindered the exchange of technical knowledge, these journals promoted the communication between practitioners all over the German States. They aimed to unite the increasingly specialised professionals on a scientific and technical level. This article discusses these associations and their journals in a cultural and technical context, considering the following processes: the professionalisation of the building industry in the nineteenth century; the evolution of an independent technical educational system in the German-speaking countries; and the… Continue Reading