tandfonline.com – An evolution of performance data in higher education governance: a path towards a ‘big data’ era?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: An evolution of performance data in higher education governance: a path towards a ‘big data’ era? Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Choosing a STEM Path: “Course-Sequencing in High School and Postsecondary Outcomes”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The College Ambition Program (CAP) model was developed to support high schools in preparing their students to enter STEM fields. CAP includes four programmatic components: mentoring, course counseling and advising, college-related activities and workshops, and teacher professional development and instructional support. This study is part of a larger project that will test the overall effectiveness of the CAP intervention model that is concluding its first year of implementation and data collection (2010-2011). Currently, two experimental schools and two control schools will be included in the analysis. Data will be collected from school records, student surveys, and merged with state data. Each component of the intervention has specific measures for assessing relative value for increasing college attendance and STEM interest among students who are college ready, but do… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Mindful wisdom: The path integrating memory, judgment, and attention

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper discusses the Buddhist threefold model of wisdom which, on the basis of ethics, progresses from ‘study,’ to ‘reflection,’ to ‘cultivation,’ and argues that mindfulness plays a critical role at each of these steps, forming the common thread joining them together. Beyond opposing statically the mnemonic, conceptual, and attentional dimensions of mindfulness, this threefold paradigm of ‘mindful wisdom’ can serve to articulate them dynamically within the context of the path. The model is first examined with special consideration of Mahāyāna sources and its relation to the epistemic foundations of tradition, reason, and direct experience. Then, in reference to living Tibetan and Himalayan traditions, each step of wisdom is shown to rely upon a distinct aspect of mindfulness… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Afterschool: A Powerful Path to Teacher Recruitment and Retention. Afterschool Alert. Issue Brief No. 28

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: America’s schools are facing a critical shortage of teachers just as student enrollments are rising and more rigorous assessments of student achievement are being implemented. The shortage is especially acute in hard-to-staff schools in urban and rural areas, as well as in high-demand subjects such as math, science, and bilingual and special education. The teacher shortage is serious and real, and comes at a time when the nation’s educational system is at a crossroads. With the current emphasis on students’ academic performance and job-readiness, it is imperative that schools find and retain dedicated, high-quality teachers. These teachers must be able to teach to the highest standards while navigating complex challenges previously unknown in the profession. Examples from the field show that afterschool programs can provide current and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Action Research as First Year Faculty: Exploring the Path Less Taken

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Students enter Emily Daniels’ and Maureen Squires’ combined Bachelor of Arts/Master’s in the Science of Teaching Program as undergraduates or move into their MST Program as Master’s candidates matriculating after they have earned Bachelor’s degree elsewhere. Both groups of students take the research class during their first semester of graduate work. The students are seeking certification in childhood or adolescent education in the content areas including math, science (e.g., biology, geology, chemistry, physics), English, social studies, and foreign languages (e.g., Spanish, French). The yearlong research course opens with a focus on general information and the exploration of educational research, which leads to the development of a collaborative research proposal during their first semester. Their second semester is dedicated to implementing the research project through the collection and… Continue Reading