tandfonline.com – Delegitimizing multicultural education: populist politicians in Norway and the weaponizing of the autobiographical genre

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The rise of populism in Norway has witnessed sustained efforts at undermining multicultural education. Given their distrust of established and mediated channels of public communication, several populist politicians seem to favour the autobiographical genre as a medium amenable to their rhetoric of ‘direct communication with the grassroots’. This study employs critical autobiographical research to four populist politicians’ autobiographical writings. It explores the discursive use of autobiography in undermining immigrants and the multicultural in a country that has experienced rapid demographic change. Drawing upon Stuart Hall’s discourse on race and difference, the study unpacks a discourse that delegitimizes the multicultural by conflating it with determinist, xenophobic tropes – immigrants refuse to integrate, learn the language and espouse liberal values,… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Is the ability of politicians to act as representatives between elections hampered in systems inspired by NPM?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract In this article, I explore and analyse how the application of systems inspired by New (Normal) Public Management affects the capacity of politicians to act on behalf of the people. The aim is to acquire new knowledge about how output-based financial and performance measurement systems affect the form and content of deliberative processes between elections. The analysis is based on an extensive empirical process, both backwards and forwards in time, tracing analysis of a critical event that occurred within education policy in a Swedish municipality. One main hypothesis generated is that NPM-inspired systems have a negative effect on deliberations between elections in ways that generate lock-in effects that hamper the ability of politicians to act as representatives between elections.… Continue Reading