tandfonline.com – Swedish parents’ perspectives on homework: manifestations of principled pragmatism

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Motivated by earlier research highlighting Swedish teachers’ beliefs that the setting of homework compromises deep-seated principles of educational equity, this paper presents an exploratory study of Swedish parents’ perspectives on homework in their year-one children’s learning. Twenty-five parents, drawn from three demographically different schools in the Stockholm region, participated in semi-structured interviews. The interviews, broadly focused on how parents support their children’s learning and including questions about homework in general and mathematics homework in particular, were transcribed and data subjected to a constant comparison analytical process. This yielded four broad themes, highlighting considerable variation in how parents perceive the relationship between homework and educational equity. First, all parents spoke appreciatively of their children receiving reading homework and, in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – The lasting legacy of the European Reformation of the 16th century: Protestant foundations of modern educational reasoning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article argues that crucial elements of the three most important theoretical models of twentieth-century education can be traced back to three Protestant denominations that were developed in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. First, rather than to look in depth at the Protestant Reformers’ own educational ideas, the paper examines their perceptions of how the social or political order should be governed as appropriate for salvation. It then shows how educational models became possible in the context of the three Protestant denominations as they morphed across time and space: German Lutheranism and how it eventually gave rise to the theory of Bildung, which goes hand in hand with the dual world view of Lutheranism; the political… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Pragmatism at Cambridge, England before 1900

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper responds to the new story about the history of pragmatism and early analytic philosophy presented in Cheryl Misak’s Cambridge Pragmatism. One of the new story’s key claims is that pragmatism was a home-grown American philosophy that entered the intellectual scene of 1920s England as an imported good. Taking up the long-neglected case of the English logician John Venn, the paper shows that pragmatism, as defined by Misak, existed in Cambridge, England several decades before the turn of the century. It concludes with the view that a more complex and richer perspective on the twin histories of pragmatism and early analytic philosophy, on both sides of the Atlantic, is needed. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – What’s in a face? Making sense of tangible information systems in terms of Peircean semiotics

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract Within this paper, we utilise a delimited area of philosophy to help make sense of a delimited area of design science as it pertains to a class of contemporary information systems. The philosophy is taken from that of Charles Sanders Peirce; the design science is directed at the construction of visual devices in that area known as visual management. The utilisation of such devices within their wider visual management systems we take to be instances of what we refer to as tangible information systems. Tangible information systems use tangible artefacts, such as whiteboards and magnetic tokens, to accomplish information. We particularly use Peircean semiotics to analyse the use of tangible emoticons articulated upon performance boards within a large-scale… Continue Reading