Eric.ed.gov – A Decade in the Making: Early Math Education Initiative Seeks Broad Impact. Principles for Effective Education Grantmaking. Case Study No. 18

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: When CME Group Foundation (CME) was formed in 2007 with an endowment from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Trust, its founders set out to engage in grantmaking that would improve education from cradle to career and strengthen the region’s economy. During its first decade, nearly a quarter of CME’s grants targeted early childhood education with an emphasis on improving early math education. With students in the United States trailing students from other industrialized nations in math, CME’s leaders believed it was crucial to address the problem in the early years. Helping low-income children in Chicago build essential math skills would not only help them succeed in school but would also further the success and economic well-being of the state and the nation. From the beginning, CME’s executive director… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Implementing a structural approach in preschool number activities. Principles of an intervention program reflected in learning

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT We report here on an intervention implementing a structural approach to arithmetic problem-solving in relation to learning outcomes among preschoolers. Using the fundamental principles of the variation theory of learning for developing the intervention and as an analytical framework, we discuss teaching and learning in commensurable terms. The research question is how teaching grounded on a structural approach and designed based on principles of variation theory is reflected in children’s learning of numbers. To answer this, three analyses were conducted, addressing: i) how the children’s ways of experiencing numbers changed after participating in the intervention, ii) how the theoretical ideas were afforded in the intervention program, and iii) synthesizing how the affordance was associated with the children’s arithmetic… Continue Reading