tandfonline.com – Google and the end of the teacher? How a figuration of the teacher is produced through an ed-tech discourse

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article analyzes how a figuration of the teacher is made up within an ed-tech discourse and how it organizes how we think of teaching. It departs from an interview study with 25 ‘edupreneurs’ selling hardware, software, and/or professional development regarding digital tools to Swedish schools. The analysis illuminates how the ‘desired teacher’ is similar to what is conceptualized as a Silicon Valley culture, privileging characteristics valued in the IT sector. Such a teacher coaches rather than lectures, is flexible, and ready to work whenever and wherever. S/he customizes his/her work to the individual student and his/her needs of knowledge, location, and timeframes, emphasizing that education is a personal business. ‘Boring’ parts of the work (grading and assessment)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Characteristics of Teacher Knowledge Produced by Preservice Mathematics Teachers: The Case of Open-Ended Problem-Based Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One major issue in mathematics teacher education regards the role of university-level mathematics in teacher knowledge. In the context of a design-based research project, an advanced mathematics teacher education course aimed at strengthening the connections between university-level mathematics and school mathematics was developed. In this paper, I present a case study, conducted within the education course, in which I analyse the characteristics of teacher knowledge produced by five small groups of pre-service teachers in an open-ended problem-based learning task. The results indicate the problem-based learning approach has the potential for enhancing specialised content knowledge such as knowledge of different representations of and applications of mathematical concepts. The results also highlight the challenges in using this approach for enhancing horizon content knowledge such as knowledge about the relationships… Continue Reading