Eric.ed.gov – Hydroponic Garden Promotes Hands-on Learning, Healthy Eating

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Improvement Act of 2006 encourages integration of academic instruction to improve student learning, impact employment skills of students, and enhance problem-solving skills by using authentic real-world situations. Academic integration is accomplished by integrating concepts of English, math, science, technology, etc., into career and technical education (CTE) course content, or by two teachers from different content areas collaborating to align and team-teach course standards. This article describes a project that provided an opportunity for educators in Greenhouse Management, Nutrition and Foods, and Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) to align course standards and curriculum while collaborating on plans to address the problem of obesity in the local school and community. With the help of a hydroponic garden, university researchers collaborated with CTE teachers… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Juggling with gender. How gender promotes and prevents the learning of a specific movement activity among secondary school students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Research on motor learning frequently reports gender differences. However, there seems to be limited tools in the research with which to make use of these insights in educationally relevant ways. Movement learning and gender are intensely researched in movement education research, but the issues rarely intersect in the literature. The purpose of this article is to shed light on how movement learning and gender norms intersect when students learn to juggle. A pedagogical intervention in two secondary school classes (15–16 year olds) was explored ethnographically. Two composite narratives illustrate how gender norms affected the juggling practise to a different extent in the two classes, indicating that these norms are highly contextual. Learning to juggle seems to include aspects… Continue Reading