Eric.ed.gov – Math and Science Reform. Local Education Fund Issue Brief. Volume 1, Number 1

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Politicians, academics, and business and community members all seem to be raising concerns that America is not as globally competitive as it once was. This is due, in part, to the fact that public schools in America are not producing high school graduates with the math, science, and technical skills to succeed in higher education or be employed in a knowledge-based, global marketplace. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs requiring science, engineering or technical training will increase 24 percent between 2004 and 2014 to 6.3 million. However, less than half of high school graduates in the United States are academically prepared for college-level math and science. Between 1970 and 2010, America’s proportion of science and engineering doctorates will fall from 50 percent to 15 percent.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Early Momentum Metrics: Why They Matter for Higher Education Reform. CCRC Research Brief. Number 65

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this brief, the authors propose three measures of “early momentum” for two reasons: Research is beginning to show that these near-term metrics predict long-term success, and the metrics focus attention on initial conditions at colleges that are particularly important for solidifying the foundation for student success. While these measures are valuable individually, as a group they give a better picture of the impact of reforms on students, and thus are more valuable if used together. These measures include: (1) Credit momentum–defined as attempting at least 15 semester credits in the first term or at least 30 semester credits in the first academic year; (2) Gateway momentum–defined as taking and passing “pathway-appropriate” college-level math and college-level English in the first academic year; and (3) Program momentum–defined as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Adaptive Challenges of Curriculum Implementation: Insights for Educational Leaders Driving Standards-Based Reform

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The ambitious goals of standards-based reform call for both technical and adaptive leadership to address problems of practice involving the technical and adaptive alignment of teachers’ instruction to the standards. Thus, standards-aligned curriculum implementation necessitates both types of strategies; otherwise, adaptive challenges will persist. In this study, we analyze case studies of four districts where new English Language Arts and math curricula were recently adopted to help align teachers’ practice with their state’s English Language Arts and math standards. We draw from interviews with district leaders, principals, instructional coaches, and teachers to illustrate how mostly technical strategies for curriculum implementation do little to address the adaptive challenges that prevent teachers from fundamentally shifting their practice to be more aligned to the standards and to meet the needs… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: A Reflection of School Improvement Practices in the Age of Reform

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined how principals in eight high-functioning elementary schools provide teacher supervision and evaluation to promote high levels of student achievement. Perceptions of teachers were measured to provide an understanding of which specific principal behaviors translated into better instructional practices within the selected schools. Schools were chosen based on their performance on both state communication arts and math standardized assessments, which were in the top 10% of all elementary schools in the state. Data were collected from 74 teachers using an online survey tool to assess perceptions about principals’ supervision within pre-observation and post-observation conferences. Quantitative analyses, part of a larger inquiry previously analyzed by the authors, revealed that 64% percent of the variability in principals’ pre-conference supervisory effectiveness was accounted for by discussing how students… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Comprehensive Developmental Education Reform in Florida: A Policy Implementation Typology

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study identified the policy perspectives of “street-level bureaucrats” in higher education (in this case, community college personnel) and linked them to a typology of 4 policy implementation patterns. The context for this qualitative study is state legislation in Florida (Florida Senate Bill 1720, 2013) that fundamentally reformed developmental education in the 28 state colleges (formerly community colleges) in the Florida College System (FCS). Study participants included 518 administrators, faculty, academic advisors, support staff, and students at 10 institutions in the FCS. The study employed Kluge’s (2000) 4-step methodology for deriving an empirically grounded qualitative typology. The 4 implementation patterns in the typology include oppositional, circumventing, satisficing, and facilitative implementation. Our study highlights implications for developmental education reform… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Shortcomings of Mathematics Education Reform in The Netherlands: A Paradigm Case?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article offers a reflection on the findings of three PhD studies, in the domains of, respectively, subtraction under 100, fractions, and algebra, which independently of each other showed that Dutch students’ proficiency fell short of what might be expected of reform in mathematics education aiming at conceptual understanding. In all three cases, the disappointing results appeared to be caused by a deviation from the original intentions of the reform, resulting from the textbooks’ focus on individual tasks. It is suggested that this “task propensity”, together with a lack of attention for more advanced conceptual mathematical goals, constitutes a general barrier for mathematics education reform. This observation transcends the realm of textbooks, since more advanced conceptual mathematical understandings… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Correcting Corrupt Research: Recommendations for the Profession to Stop Misuse of p-Values

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT p-Values and Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST), combined with a large number of institutional factors, jointly define the Generally Accepted Soft Social Science Publishing Process (GASSSPP) that is now dominant in the social sciences and is increasingly used elsewhere. The case against NHST and the GASSSPP has been abundantly articulated over past decades, and yet it continues to spread, supported by a large number of self-reinforcing institutional processes. In this article, the author presents a number of steps that may be taken to counter the spread of this corruption that directly address the institutional forces, both as individuals and through collaborative efforts. While individual efforts are indispensable to this undertaking, the author argues that these alone cannot succeed… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Is There Room in Math Reform for Preservice Teachers to Use Reading Strategies? National Implications

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Background: Research is proposed for preservice secondary mathematics teachers to develop and use reading strategies in math classrooms. Purpose: to determine if increased instruction on using specific reading strategies in secondary mathematics classrooms significantly impacts a) the type of reading-specific instructional strategies used, b) awareness of preservice math teachers of their roles as content reading teachers and understanding of reading issues as related to mathematics. Setting: University undergraduate content area reading course for preservice teachers; university undergraduate mathematics methods course for preservice secondary math teachers. Study Sample: all secondary preservice teachers enrolled in each course will participate. Intervention: The treatment course students will receive intensified reading training in the content area reading course as relates to mathematics. Additionally, specific reading strategies will be discussed in the math… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Experiences and Impact: The Voices of Teachers on Math Education Reform in Ontario, Canada

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In Ontario, students’ declining math performance is currently cited as a major area of concern (Reid & Reid, 2017). In response to this, Ontario is implementing math education policy changes. However, there is no mention of the role of teachers in this reform process. To address this issue, this paper explores and shares teachers’ experiences with math reform. I took a qualitative approach and interviewed eight public school teachers who shared their experiences with math reform based on their teaching trajectories. Three themes emerged from the data: (1) math confidence impacts perception and response to math reform; (2) teachers have little to no active role in the math reform process; (3) there is bidirectional impact between math reform and teachers. These findings delineate significant implications for math… Continue Reading