tandfonline.com – The VIP Partnership Programme in Norwegian Schools: An Assessment of Intervention Effects

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study used a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the efficacy of the universal, school-based VIP-Makkerskap [VIP Partnership] programme. 1101 students in a test group and 734 students in a control group completed questionnaires one week (t1), ten weeks (t2), and six months (t3) after programme implementation. A one-way ANCOVA showed that at t2 and t3, students in the test group reported significantly higher social classroom environment scores than the control group, but the effect sizes were small (d = .10 and .09, respectively). Further analyses showed that five of the ten test schools accounted for the increase in the outcome variable from t1-t2. In these schools, a greater proportion of teachers had used the programme since its beginning… Continue Reading