Eric.ed.gov – Project Exc-EL (Excellence for English Learners): Final Evaluation Report for the National Evaluation of Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund. NEi3 Evaluation Submission

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this evaluation was to understand the development, implementation, and impact of Project Exc-EL (Excellence for English Learners), a school-wide intervention focused on providing teacher professional development and training to better support English learners (ELs) in New York. Project Exc-EL focuses on training teachers to use data to identify EL student needs, creating a school climate focused on college and career readiness, and providing school coaches to support teachers as they serve EL students and their families. Project Exc-EL developed and implemented an enhanced, comprehensive design that addressed the unique and urgent needs of low-incidence EL population school districts — districts that are struggling to provide a comprehensive, rigorous education for the newest members of their communities. The project employed a data-driven, tiered approach to… Continue Reading